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Algorithms Assessment (Computer Science) Date :

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1 Algorithms Assessment (Computer Science) Date : 14-9-18
Strengths/Best Bits : Question 1 and 2 Was answered well by everyone who attempted it, To improve you need to be able to practically abstract and decompose a scenario/problem. Q3 Reuse code, Split a problem down so many different people can solve Q4 Linear Search most pupils were not able to spot this through code. Q5 Well answers a few of you did not know the list had to be in order Q6 Most were able to apply a bubble sort Q7 A lot of pupils struggled to remember a merge sort (list is split in half) Q8 Only a few were able to Identify One of the two t variables should be changed to x. And PRINT( x, “ x “, t, “ = “, p) The following pupils did not complete the test : Lack of Effort/Quality (E/Q): Student A Student B behaviour is improving but quality of work is still poor Exemplar work (Who, Why?) Highest score : Targets: To watch all videos on one note and to make notes below.

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