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Theme notes Two-chunk essay notes

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1 Theme notes Two-chunk essay notes
Golden Book Essays Theme notes Two-chunk essay notes

2 A theme is a message or moral of a story.
A theme occurs in a story, but is also true in real life.

3 Two-Chunk Essay – Intro Paragraph
Hook: Something that grabs your reader’s attention; could be a question, bold statement, or something everyone can relate to Follow-up: A statement that expands upon your hook/takes it one step further Thesis: Most important sentence in your essay; tells what you will prove throughout your essay; includes title and author Example: In (name of story) by (author) , (protagonist or antagonists names) learns (theme)

4 Two-Chunk Essay – Body Paragraph
[TS]: Introduce what the paragraph is about; relate it to the prompt [CD1]: Your first fact that supports the theme [CM1 & CM2]: Your thoughts connecting your first CD to your theme [CD2]: Your second fact that supports the theme [CM1 & CM2]: Your thoughts connecting your second CD to your theme [CS]: Restates the theme or TS using different words

5 Two-Chunk Essay – Conclusion Paragraph
Restatement of thesis: Use different words; don’t mention title and author again Follow-up: A statement that expands upon your restatement/takes it one step further Final thought: A statement that relates to the whole world, and then brings it back to the character or literary work Example: Each and every one of us can learn (theme) , just like (character)

6 Write a two-chunk essay detailing the theme in your Golden Book.
Prompt Write a two-chunk essay detailing the theme in your Golden Book.

7 First… Read your Golden Book “kindergarten style”
Show pictures! Be animated! As a group, determine your theme Begin a T-chart Put theme at the top Put the prompt right below the theme Everyone should have the exact same notes Get T-chart okayed Start to write your essay

8 Next… Work on and complete your essay “Gallery Walk” Get essay okayed
Begin final draft

9 Finally… Finish final draft Turn it in! Due at the end of the period

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