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The CAF action plan: survey

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1 The CAF action plan: survey
Ann Stoffels and Patrick Staes European Institute of Public Administration CAF Resource Centre

2 Content Improvement of the CAF website and CAF database
The CAF survey CAF Expert meeting in Speyer: 3 and 4 March CAF Training Event at EIPA: 9 to 11 November 2005 2nd European CAF Event: 1 and 2 June 2005

3 I. Improvement of the CAF website and the CAF database
In preparation Adapted at EUPAN lay –out More possibilities for data registration e.g. good practices and reporting e.g. on national or sector level Operational in the beginning of March 2005

4 II. The CAF survey Questionnaire organisations on line and invitations to fill, to be sent out : 21 February 2005 – deadline reply 11 March 2005 preview Questionnaires national CAF correspondents : sent out 15 February 2005 – deadline reply 11 March 2005 Tasks MS : find CAF applications that are not registered at EIPA and send invitation to fill in on line or transmit addresses to EIPA to send invitations Fill in questionnaire for national CAF correspondents Headlines of the draft report presented at 2nd IPSG meeting Final report presented at 2nd European CAF Event and DG’s meting

5 III. CAF Expert meeting in Speyer: 3 and 4 March 2005
General reactions/suggestions concerning the CAF Survey Permanent Questionnaire on CAF implementation First list of FAQ concerning CAF Finalise the programme of the 2nd European CAF event Luxembourg: Comparison of existing training programmes & guidelines Framework of CAF e-tools Draft communication plan: 1st discussion

6 IV. CAF Training Event at EIPA: 9 to 11 November 2005
Target Group: trainers, training and change managers in the public administration involved in quality management Content: the experiences made with the CAF, critical challenges and choices for implementing the CAF, the whole process of implementing , building up support for introducing the CAF, improvement programmes and action plans, chairing experiences. Method: combination of short presentations, workshops and the presentation of case studies and case study material, deveopped in coordination with the national CAF training initiatives Objectives: a clear understanding of the challenges involved in introducing the CAF (and quality management techniques more generally), of the choices to be made and of the possible gains and expectations; being prepared to implement the CAF in their own organisations or to help other organisations with the implementation of the CAF.

7 V. 2nd European CAF Event: 1 and 2 June 2005
Draft programme finalised: presentation of the EIPA study, debate, 8 programmes, each time in 4 parallel sessions Participants: maximum 200 Tasks MS : Propose good practices for the 8 programmes by 25 February !!! Propose between 5 and 10 participants by the end of April ; by preference people who did not attend Rome CAF Expert meting in Speyer: finalise the programme

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