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Review Group 0334 User Pays update – Modifications 288, 289, 290.

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1 Review Group 0334 User Pays update – Modifications 288, 289, 290.
December 15th, 2010.

2 Modifications 288, 289, 290 Modification 288 – Facilitating the reduction of Enduring Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity by a value less than 100,000kwh. ROM estimate – Zero cost Implemented alongside Exit Ph1 release – Zero incremental cost Modification 289 – To determine the amount of Annual NTS Exit (Flat) Capacity to be released where the quantity of unsold NTS Capacity fluctuates within the Gas Year. Modification 290 – To facilitate the release of Additional NTS Flat Capacity at National Grid NTS’s discretion.

3 User Pays principals Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM)
ROM values are estimates – Not a firm price Value of ROM can go up and down User Pays-ness definition required at time of Modification submission Cannot be added later if User Pays costs identified Ensures that beneficiaries fund User Pays costs Had this not been done, and incremental costs incurred, proposer would have been liable to pay, even though not the only beneficiary.

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