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DBQ Writing Be specific

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1 DBQ Writing Be specific
Ex: Christianity is well known in modern times. Avoid questions…..actually, just don’t ask questions….EVER! Ex: Ever wonder why it became so popular during ancient times? Ex: ….but do you know Jesus of Nazareth?

2 DBQ Writing Avoid mapping Repeat what you’re explaining!
Ex: The first reason….. Repeat what you’re explaining! Ex: Christianity took root in the ancient world because of the message that Christianity offered.

3 DBQ Writing Never use second person…..EVER!
Ex: If you’ve heard of Jesus Christ……. Avoid pronouns! Pronouns are evil in Historical writing. Ex: The reason it took hold in the ancient world…. Ex: The message of Christianity helped it take a hold because it made people….

4 DBQ Writing Words to avoid: very, a lot, extremely, so, really, like, seems, and that What restating the question means…. Ex: Title: Why did Christianity Take Hold in the Ancient World? Answer: Christianity, one of the oldest surviving religions, took hold in the ancient world because………

5 DBQ Writing If you make a claim, no matter how insignificant, you have to back it up with evidence! Ex: Christianity, the most followed religion…… Ex: Out of all of the religions in the world, Christianity seems to have been the most popular.

6 Add the HRS Historical Reasoning Skills Comparison Contextualization
Causation Change and Continuity over Time

7 Comparison Level 1: Describe similarities and/or differences between different historical developments or processes. Level 2: Explain relevant similarities and/or differences between specific historical developments and processes Level 3: Explain the relative historical significance of similarities and/or differences between different historical developments or processes.

8 Contextualization Level 1: Describe an accurate historical context for a specific historical development or process. Level 2: Explain how a relevant context influenced a specific historical development or process. Level 3: Use context to explain the relative historical significance of a specific historical development or process

9 Causation Level 1: Describe causes or effects of a specific historical development or process. Level 2: Explain the relationship between causes and effects of a specific historical development or process; Explain the difference between primary and secondary causes, and between short- and long-term effects. Level 3: Explain the relative historical significance of different causes and/or effects.

10 CCOT Level 1: Describe patterns of continuity and/or change over time.
Level 2: Explain patterns of continuity and/or change over time. Level 3: Explain the relative historical significance of specific historical developments in relation to a larger pattern of continuity and/or change

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