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Chapter 7: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

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1 Chapter 7: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
James D. Fortenberry, MD, FCCM, FAAP Medical Director, Critical Care Medicine and Pediatric/Adult ECMO Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston

2 ARDS: What Is It? Term first introduced in 1967
Acute respiratory failure with non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, capillary leak after diverse insult Adult RDS defined to differentiate from neonatal surfactant deficiency Problems with definition troubled literature Murray score 1988: CXR, PEEP, Hypoxemia, Compliance Synonyms Shock lung Da Nang Lung Traumatic wet lung

3 New and Improved Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

4 ARDS: New Definition Criteria Acute onset Bilateral CXR infiltrates
PA pressure < 18 mm Hg Classification Acute lung injury - PaO2 : F1O2 < 300 Acute respiratory distress syndrome - PaO2 : F1O2 < 200 American - European Consensus Conference

5 ARDS - Epidemiology New criteria allow better estimate of incidence
1994 criteria in Sweden: ALI 17.9/100,000; 13.5/100,000 ARDS US: may be closer to 75/1000,000 Prospective data pending Incidence in children appears similar 5-9% of PICU admissions

6 Clinical Disorders Associated with ARDS

7 The Problem: Lung Injury
Davis et al., J Peds 1993;123:35 Non-infectious Pneumonia 14% Cardiac Arrest 12% Infectious Pneumonia 28% Hemorrhage 5% Trauma 5% Other 4% Septic Syndrome 32%

8 ARDS - Pathogenesis Instigation
Endothelial injury: increased permeability of alveolar - capillary barrier Epithelial injury : alveolar flood, loss of surfactant, barrier vs. infection Pro-inflammatory mechanisms

9 ARDS Pathogenesis: Resolution Phase
Equally important Alveolar edema - resolved by active sodium transport Alveolar type II cells - re-epithelialize Neutrophil clearance needed


11 ARDS - Pathophysiology
Capillary leak:non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema Inflammatory mediators Diminished surfactant activity and airway collapse Reduced lung volumes Heterogeneous “Baby Lungs” Altered pulmonary hemodynamics

12 ARDS:CT Scan View

13 ARDS - Pathophysiology: Diminished Surfactant Activity
Surfactant production and composition altered in ARDS: low lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio Components of edema fluid may inactivate surfactant

14 ARDS - Pathophysiology: Diminished Surfactant Activity
Surfactant product of Type II pneumocytes Importance of surfactant: P = 2T/r (Laplace equation; P: trans-pulmonary pressure, T: surface tension, r: radius) Surfactant proportions surface tension to surface area: thus



17 ARDS - Pathophysiology: Lung Volumes
Reduced lung volumes, primarily reduced FRC FRC = ? Nl = Low FRC-large intrapulmonary shunt, hypoxemia Implies lower compliance = flatter PV curve marked hysteresis PV curve concave above FRC and inflection point at volume > FRC closing volume in range of tidal volume resistance increased primarily due to mechanical unevenness (vs. airway R): high flow rates helpful




21 ARDS - Pathophysiology: Lung Volumes
FRC = Volume of gas in lungs at end of normal tidal expiration; outward recoil of chest wall = inward recoil of lungs Normal FRC = FRC decreased by 20-40% in ARDS FRC decreased by 20-30% when supine: elevate head!

22 ARDS - Pathophysiology: Mediators
Massive literature Mediators involved but extent of cause/effect unknown Cellular: neutrophils-causative: depletion in models can obliterate lesion; ARDS can occur in neutropenic patient; direct endothelial injury, release radicals, proteolytic enzymes macrophages-release cytokines

23 ARDS - Pathophysiology: Mediators
Humoral: Complement Cytokines: TNF, IL-1 PAF, PGs, leukotrienes NO Coagulant pathways

24 ARDS - Pathophysiology:Pulmonary Edema
Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema-Starling formula What changes in ARDS? Q = K(Pc - Pis) -  (pl - is) Q = K = Pc = ; Pis =  = pl = ; is =


26 Phases of ARDS Acute - exudative, inflammatory: capillary congestion, neutrophil aggregation, capillary endothelial swelling, epithelial injury; hyaline membranes by 72 hours (0 - 3 days) Sub-acute - proliferative: proliferation of type II pneumocytes (abnormal lamellar bodies with decreased surfactant), fibroblasts-intra-alveolar, widening of septae ( days) Chronic - fibrosing alveolitis: remodeling by collagenous tissue, arterial thickening, obliteration of pre-capillary vessels; cystic lesions ( > 10 days)


28 ARDS - Outcomes Most studies - mortality 40% to 60%; similar for children/adults Death is usually due to sepsis/MODS rather than primary respiratory Mortality may be decreasing 53/68 % /36 %

29 ARDS - Principles of Therapy
Provide adequate gas exchange Avoid secondary injury


31 Therapies for ARDS Mechanical Ventilation Innovations: NO
PLV Proning Surfactant Anti-Inflammatory Gentle ventilation: Permissive hypercapnia Low tidal volume Open-lung HFOV ARDS Extrapulmonary Gas Exchange Total Implantable Artificial Lung IVOX IV gas exchange AVCO2R ECMO

32 The Dangers of Overdistention
Repetitive shear stress Injury to normal alveoli inflammatory response air trapping Phasic volume swings: volume trauma

33 The Dangers of Atelectasis
compliance intrapulmonary shunt FiO2 WOB inflammatory response

34 Lung Injury Zones Overdistention “Sweet Spot” Atelectasis

35 ARDS: George H. W. Bush Therapy
“Kinder, gentler” forms of ventilation: Low tidal volumes (6-8 vs cc/kg) “Open lung”: Higher PEEP, lower PIP Permissive hypercapnia: tolerate higher pCO2


37 Lower Tidal Volumes for ARDS
Multi-center trial, 861 adult ARDS Randomized: Tidal volume 12 cc/kg Plateau pressure < 50 cm H2O vs Tidal volume 6 cc/kg Plateau pressure < 30 cm H2O ARDS Network, NEJM, 342: 2000

38 Lower Tidal Volumes for ARDS
22% decrease * * ARDS Network, NEJM, 342: 2000 * p < .001

39 Is turning the ARDS patient “prone” to be helpful?

40 Prone Positioning in ARDS
Theory: let gravity improve matching perfusion to better ventilated areas Improvement immediate Uncertain effect on outcome


42 Prone Positioning in Adult ARDS
Randomized trial Standard therapy vs. standard + prone positioning Improved oxygenation No difference in mortality, time on ventilator, complications Gattinoni et al., NEJM, 2001

43 Prone Positioning in Pediatric ARDS: Longer May Be Better
Compared 6-10 hrs PP vs hrs PP Overall ARDS survival 79% in 40 pts. Relvas et al., Chest 2003

44 Brief vs. Prolonged Prone Positioning in Children
* ** Oxygenation Index (OI) * - Relvas et al., Chest 2003

45 High Frequency Oscillation: A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On

46 It’s not absolute pressure, but volume or pressure swings that promote lung injury or atelectasis.
- Reese Clark

47 High Frequency Ventilation
Rapid rate Low tidal volume Maintain open lung Minimal volume swings

48 High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation


50 HFOV is the easiest way to find the ventilation
“sweet spot”

51 HFOV: Benefits Vs. Conventional Ventilation

52 HFOV vs. CMV in Pediatric Respiratory Failure: Results
Greater survival without severe lung disease Greater crossover to HFOV and improvement Failure to respond to HFOV strong predictor of death Arnold et al, CCM, 1994

53 HFOV vs. CMV in Pediatric Respiratory Failure
* - Arnold et al, CCM, 1994

54 HFOV: Outcomes of Randomized Controlled Trials
Reduces need for ECMO, chronic lung disease in neonates Improves survival without CLD in pediatric ARDS


56 Pediatric ECMO Potential candidates Neonate - 18 years
Reversible disease process Severe respiratory/cardiac failure < 10 days mechanical ventilation Acute, life-threatening deterioration


58 Impact of ECMO on Survival in Pediatric Respiratory Failure
Retrospective, multi-center cohort analysis 331 patients, 32 hospitals Use of ECMO associated with survival (p < .001) 53 diagnosis and risk-matched pairs: ECMO decreased mortality (26% vs 47%, p < .01) -Green et al, CCM, 24:1996


60 Pediatric Respiratory ECMO - Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

61 Other Cost Intensive Therapies
Therapy Cost/Patient Pediatric ECLS $ 232, 941 Pediatric Liver Transplant $ 206, 375 Pediatric Heart Transplant $ 126,695

62 ECMO: Comparison to Other Expensive Therapies
Vats et al., CCM, 1998

63 If you think about ECMO, it is worth a call to consider ECMO

64 Surfactant in ARDS ARDS: surfactant deficiency
surfactant present is dysfunctional Surfactant replacement improves physiologic function

65 Calf’s Lung Surfactant Extract in Acute Pediatric Respiratory Failure
Multi-center trial-uncontrolled, observational Calf lung surfactant (Infasurf) – intra-tracheal Immediate improvement and weaning in 24/29 children with ARDS 14% mortality -Willson et al,CCM, 24:1996

66 Surfactant in Pediatric ARDS
Current randomized multi-center trial Placebo vs calf lung surfactant (Infasurf) Children’s at Egleston is a participating center-study closed, await results

67 Steroids in ARDS Theoretical anti-inflammatory, anti-fibrotic benefit
Previous studies with acute use (1st 5 days) No benefit Increased 2 infection

68 Effects of Prolonged Steroids in Unresolving ARDS
Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Adult ARDS ventilated for > 7 days without improvement Randomized: Placebo Methylprednisolone 2 mg/kg/day x 4 days, tapered over 1 month Meduri et al, JAMA 280:159, 1998

69 Steroids in Unresolving ARDS
By day 10, steroids improved: PaO2/FiO2 ratios Lung injury/MOD scores Static lung compliance 24 patients enrolled; study stopped due to survival difference Meduri et al, JAMA, 1998

70 Steroids in Unresolving ARDS
* * * p<.01 - Meduri et al., JAMA, 1998

71 Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Respiratory Failure
Neonates Beneficial in term neonates with PPHN Decreased need for ECMO Adults/Pediatrics Benefits - lowers PA pressures, improves gas exchange Randomized trials: No difference in mortality or days of ventilation

72 ECMO and NO in Neonates ECMO improves survival in neonates with PPHN (UK study) NO decreases need for ECMO in neonates with PPHN: 64% vs 38% (Clark et al, NEJM, 2000)

73 Effects of Inhaled Nitric Oxide In Children with AHRF
Randomized, controlled, blinded multi-center trial 108 children with OI > 15 Randomized: Inhaled NO 10 ppm vs. mechanical ventilation alone Dobyns, Cornfield, Anas, Fortenberry et al., J. Peds, 1999


75 Inhaled NO and HFOV In Pediatric ARDS
* Dobyns et al., J Peds, 2000

76 Partial Liquid Ventilation

77 Partial Liquid Ventilation
Mechanisms of action oxygen reservoir recruitment of lung volume alveolar lavage redistribution of blood flow anti-inflammatory

78 Liquid Ventilation Pediatric trials started in 1996 Partial: FRC ( cc/kg) Study halted 1999 due to lack of benefit Adult study (2001): no effect on outcome

79 ARDS- “Mechanical” Therapies
Prone positioning - Unproven outcome benefit Low tidal volumes - Outcome benefit in large study Open-lung strategy - Outcome benefit in small study HFOV -Outcome benefit in small study ECMO - Proven in neonates unproven in children

80 Pharmacologic Approaches to ARDS: Randomized Trials
Glucocorticoids - acute - no benefit - fibrosing alveolitis - lowered mortality, small study Surfactant - possible benefit in children Inhaled NO - no benefit Partial liquid ventilation - no benefit

81 “…We must discard the old approach and continue to search for ways to improve mechanical ventilation. In the meantime, there is no substitute for the clinician standing by the ventilator…” - Martin J. Tobin, MD

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