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SOS Cerenkov Purpose: provide PID for NA Cerenkov efficiency studies

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1 SOS Cerenkov Purpose: provide PID for NA Cerenkov efficiency studies
Installed 24 April during 687MeV run (Dave, Hamlet, Walter et al.) – OCTANT 7 ONLY Roughly facing geometric center of octant, but rotated 12 deg towards target 12º FPD 1 2 SOS Cerenkov Octant 7 SCER1 SCER2 SCER3 SCER4

2 NA Cerenkov Efficiency at 687 MeV (LH2, 31 MHz data)
To define a good event sample use SOS Cerenkov: 2pe Cut on NA Cer: TDC Cut Extracted Cerenkov efficiency for octant 7 comparable to 31MHz analysis

3 Status SOS Cerenkov LH2 Results consistent with using FPD/32ns (L. Lee’s results) LD2 analysis more complicated in general Difficult to determine single photoelectron peak for calibration - pedestal and detector response large Use of SOS Cerenkov limited to 1 octant, but useful cross check

4 NA Cerenkov TOF at 362 MeV LD2, 32ns time structure
All FPDs for Octant 7 in hclog#117319 SOS HV off during test run FPD MT electron pion NA CER ADC SUM Octant 7, FPD7 Clear separation of particles at sufficiently low energy FPD MT pions

5 NA Cerenkov Efficiency at 362 MeV (LD2)
Define good events using cut on FPD TDC Require hit in Cerenkov TDC (analog sum and multiplicity 2) for electron/pion cuts Cerenkov trigger electron Cer ADC Sum

6 Status LD2 at 362 MeV Electron efficiencies for LD2 range between 30% and 86% - lowest for octant 3 Pion efficiencies between 4% and 6% Peak location in FPD TDC varies up to 15ns between octants Run FPD 10 missing 32ns beam structure is not the standard running condition

7 Tighter gated Charge ADC - Simple ARS analysis
For timing require CED/FPD coincidence Average ARS reading over relevant time range – depends on octant Pedestal separation appears cleaner than in usual Fastbus ADC pedestal

8 NA Cerenkov Efficiency at 362 MeV (LD2)
Veto events outside defined time interval ARS threshold cuts

9 Background Calculations

10 Background Calculations

11 Background Calculations

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