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AMO Early Science Capability

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Presentation on theme: "AMO Early Science Capability"— Presentation transcript:

1 AMO Early Science Capability
AMO will be first experiment LCLS Planning for commissioning / first experiments in August 2009 Adaptable to reality of source performance – i.e. planning for FEL and spontaneous source Currently in final design phase (>50% of drawings complete)

2 Scientific Goals of AMO Program
Investigate multiphoton and high-field x-ray processes in atoms, molecules and clusters Multi-photon ionization/excitation in atoms/molecules/clusters Accessible intensity on verge of high-field regime Study time-resolved phenomena in atoms, molecules and clusters using ultrafast x-rays Inner-shell side band experiments Photoionization of aligned molecules Temporal evolution of state-prepared systems

3 AMO studies fundamental interactions
Through years of investigation, we have a pretty good idea what happens when we hit an atom with an x-ray? Consider Ne atoms and ~1keV photons Photoabsorption Photoelectron Auger fluorescence

4 LCLS What happens when we illuminate atoms with high peak power of LCLS? ?? Multiple ionization Multiphoton ionization Tunneling ionization Subsequent de-excitation dynamics

5 AMO Instrumentation Pulse Picker Focusing optics High Field Physics Experiment Diagnostics Synchronized pulsed laser

6 AMO Instrumentation - Schematic

7 What’s there July 2009? Focusing Optics High Field Physics Chamber
Pulsed gas jet Ion TOF (Wiley McLaren type) Electron TOFs Diagnostics Effusive gas jet Magnetic bottle TOF Beam screens Synchronized Laser

8 And what’s commissioned later ?
Pulse picker (12/09) High Field Physics Chamber Velocity map imaging ion spectrometer (10/09) Momentum resolving ion spectrometer (reaction microscope/ColTRIMS) (2/10) X-ray spectrometers (1/10) Diagnostics Pulse energy monitor (11/09)

9 A little more detail – focusing optics
Built by LBNL as a full assembly Focus in experimental chamber or diagnostics Focus beam to ~ 1um diameter

10 AMO Design – focusing optics
Peak intensity depends on size of beam focus – accessible physics depends on intensity Focus W/cm2 1mm 7×1012 100μm 7×1014 10 μm 7×1016 1 μm 7×1018 100nm 7×1020 LBNL mirror bender design

11 Ne charge state vs Intensity
Rohringer & Santra, PRA 76, (2007)

12 Probable Ne Charge State with hv
Rohringer & Santra, PRA 76, (2007)

13 AMO Interaction region
Five electron spectrometers & one ion spectrometer

14 Xe ions as function of irradiance
Focused 93 eV photons to 2.6um into ambient Xe Collected ion signal by ion TOF A.A. Sorokin et al., PRL 99, (2007)

15 Multiphoton Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Recent measurements of electrons from Ar clusters at FLASH show that direct multistep ionization of cluster creates higher charge states with short l radiation (38.5 eV) C. Bostedt, et al., PRL 100, (2008).

16 Diagnostics - Magnetic Bottle
Magnetic Bottle being designed (and possibly built) by Ohio State University under contract with Louis DiMauro Very high electron collection efficiency (~2p) Useful as a measure of LCLS spectrum by converting hn to electron KE Also unique experimental capability

17 Pulse Compressor (Single Grating)
Experiment Chambers Optical Transport Harmonics Pulse Compressor (Single Grating) Pulse Cleaner Regenerative Amplifier 1kHz, <5 mJ 30W Nd:YLF Pump 527nm 1.2 kHz 30 fs Mode Locked 800 nm 5 W Nd:YVO4 Pulse Stretcher 30 fs Bandwidth Laser Hall Hutch 2 NEH Laser

18 Diagnostic - Temporal Resolution
Two photons of different energy in interaction region at same time can result in multiphoton ionization (i.e. FLASH FEL & laser) Phenomenon provides a means to measure temporal overlap of two pulses – i.e. providing measure of temporal overlap between LCLS & laser Measured relative jitter between two beams of 250fs using Xe 5p photoionization P. Radcliffe et al, APL, 90, , 2007.

19 ISMS for the AMO Instrument
Define scope of work Using LCLS design review process - documentation and reviews Analyze hazards Working with SLAC safety experts Prepared Preliminary Hazards Assessment Document (PHAD) for AMO instrument Develop and implement hazard controls With advice and review by SLAC safety committees Build the instrumentation Re-analyze hazards

20 Unique Hazards Identified for AMO
High pressure gas bottles (samples) connected to vacuum chamber Health hazard gases will be used in some experiments High power laser system with multiple wavelengths High magnetic field in magnetic bottle spectrometer Numerous high voltage supplies

21 The Path Forward Preliminary Design Review Completed
Finish detailing high field physics chamber, diagnostics Finalize Design & Review – June 08 Procurement phase – Jul-Dec 08 Assembly & Testing – Jan-Jun 09 Readiness review – July 09 Ready for first light – July 09 Thanks - lots of help from engineering, controls, etc.

22 Commissioning vs First Experiments
First experiments need only some of the instrumentation’s capability i.e. with focusing optics, gas jet & ion spectrometer could do multiphoton ionization expt. OR with magnetic bottle & laser could study temporal overlap with LCLS – (may even be possible without lasing) Managing commissioning vs experiment – pressure for both !!

23 The End AMO Proposal Study Workshop – June 2-3, SLAC

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