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Reducing Health Inequalities in Intellectual Disabilities

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1 Reducing Health Inequalities in Intellectual Disabilities
Estia Centre Reducing Health Inequalities in Intellectual Disabilities Dr Eddie Chaplin & Karina Marshall-Tate | The Estia Centre Training the workforce Integrated Healthcare People with intellectual disabilities experience poorer access to services, poorer health outcomes and die prematurely from preventable causes. Reasons for this are multiple and complex but include delays in diagnosis and treatment, identifying need and providing care in response to changing need. The Estia Centre is a training, research and development resource for those who support adults with intellectual disabilities and additional mental health needs. As part of King’s Health Partners, the Estia Centre now has the potential to support and enhance inter professional learning to develop a confident and capable workforce to meet the mental and physical health needs of people with intellectual disabilities. The Integrated Healthcare Project has provided CPD to over 100 local GPs about intellectual disabilities and is working with other CAGs to deliver inter professional education and training and develop services to improve access to people with intellectual disabilities. Evaluation of our work has shown that: 85% of delegates learned new skills and knowledge; 77% of delegates felt more confident to deliver effective care and treatment to people with intellectual disabilities; and 65% of delegates had gone on to make real changes in their clinical areas including asking about and using Hospital Passports and making Reasonable Adjustments (conference delegates March 2015). eLearning The work of the Estia Centre has been inspirational to clinicians and policy makers around the world. Over the years, the Estia team has shared skills and experience through long standing collaborations and consultancy work; helping to shape and develop specialist mental health services for the benefit of people with intellectual disabilities and their families in many different countries. The Integrated Healthcare Project is available to KHP staff via the KHP Learning Hub and intellectual disabilities eLearning will be available in Spring 2016

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