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Figurative Language Flip Chart

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Presentation on theme: "Figurative Language Flip Chart"— Presentation transcript:

1 Figurative Language Flip Chart

2 Simile Metaphor Personification Onomatopoeia Flip 1 Flip 2 Flip 3

3 Hyperbole Flip 1 Flip 2 Flip 3 Flip 4 Imagery Symbolism Tone

4 “Twinkle, twinkle little star,How I wonder what you areUp above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.” Read more at “Twinkle, twinkle little star,How I wonder what you areUp above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.” Read more at Simile Tuesday 11/1 A comparison between two things using like or as Example: They fought like cats and dogs. What are we comparing?

5 Metaphor Tuesday 11/1 A comparison of two objects using is or was
Example: The assignment was a breeze. The Sun The sun is a burning flower, It brightens up people’s days And makes you happy on a summers day. The sun is a fiery ball, Scorches the earth, It’s an everlasting furnace.

6 Personification The ice cubes cackled in their glass
Dinnertime Chorus by Sharon Hendricks The teapot sang as the water boiled The ice cubes cackled in their glass the teacups chattered to one another. While the chairs were passing gas The gravy gurgled merrily As the oil danced in a pan. Oh my dinnertime chorus What a lovely, lovely clan! Read more at The teapot sang as the water boiled The ice cubes cackled in their glass the teacups chattered to one another. While the chairs were passing gas The gravy gurgled merrily As the oil danced in a pan. Oh my dinnertime chorus What a lovely, lovely clan! Read more at The teapot sang as the water boiled The ice cubes cackled in their glass the teacups chattered to one another. While the chairs were passing gas The gravy gurgled merrily As the oil danced in a pan. Oh my dinnertime chorus What a lovely, lovely clan! Read more at Personification Wednesday 11/2 Giving an inanimate object a human-like characteristic Example: The wind howled in the night. Dinnertime Chorus by Sharon Hendricks The teapot sand as the water boiled. The ice cubes cackled in their glass. The teacups chattered to one another, While the chairs were passing gas. The gravy gurgled merrily, As the oil danced in a pan. Oh my dinnertime chorus!

7 What are the onomatopoeias?
Wednesday 11/2 A word that imitates a sound. Example: Her heels clacked on the hardwood floor. The explosion went BOOM! What are the onomatopoeias?








15 Do the Onomatopoeia Thursday 11/3

16 Hyperbole Friday11/4 Exaggerated statement for emphasis
Example: I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. My Dad My dad is tougher than your dad. He wrestles alligators every morning just to get his heart pumping. Instead of eating toast and coffee for breakfast, He eats the toaster and coffeemakers. He doesn’t drive to work, he runs to work—ten miles a day. When he gets home from work he relaxes in a hot bath of boiling water. He prefers chewing nails to chewing gum. And when he sees someone for the first time, he says “Hello, nice to meet you,” So loud and fearsome people run away and hide. - Bruce Lansky

17 Imagery Friday 11/4 Visually descriptions that represent images, objects, or ideas that appeal to our five senses Example: He whiffed the aroma of brewed coffee. The fresh and juicy orange is very cold and sweet. 3

18 The winter evening settles down With smell of steaks in passageways.
Preludes by T.S. Eliot The winter evening settles down With smell of steaks in passageways. Six o’clock. The burnt-out ends of smoky days. And now a gusty shower wraps The grimy scraps Of withered leaves about your feet And newspapers from vacant lots; The showers beat On broken blinds and chimney pots. And at the corner of the street A lonely cab-horse steams and stamps. And then the lighting of the lamps.

19 It was really cold outside.
My pizza was good. It was really cold outside. I could see the mountain in the distance. On this slide, I am going to read these off and ask students if they felt anything. Then, I will tell them that these do not reach to your five senses. I will ask students to all close their eyes and listen as I read off a new description using imagery. The baby was loud and woke me up. The kitten was soft.

20 What does the road symbolize?
Symbolism Tuesday11/8 The use of symbols to represent other ideas or things. Symbolic meanings rather than literal meanings. Example: A dove is a symbol of peace. A rose is the symbol of love. What does the road symbolize? The Road Not Taken I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence; Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost

21 If Frozen were a horror movie:
Tone Tuesday 11/8 The attitude of a piece of writing or a situation. Example: Father: “We can’t go on a vacation this year.” Son: “Oh, great! That is what I expected.” The tone is sarcasm. Sad Serious Cautious Humorous Horrific If Frozen were a horror movie:

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