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Investing in The Future of Economy

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1 Investing in The Future of Economy

2 Executive summary Overall mandate Preserve and enhance the value of holder investments over time What is ANCHOR? MEASUREMENT UNIT OF MONETARY VALUE MOST TRUSTED STABLE CRYPTO GLOBAL FINANCIAL STANDARD Key value Trust through transparency and regular auditing The value of your holdings in all existing currencies, whether you are a business or individual holding onto fiat or crypto, is always at risk and in constant decline. The result is an atmosphere of fear, anxiety and a constant need for short-term speculation through currency trading and hedging in order to maintain the value of what you own. This affects everyone, and we believe that whatever you have earned in your life as a human being should not lose value. Our Mission is to create a currency that preserves and enhances the value of people's holdings and a financial standard for businesses, markets and entire economies that need a stable foundation for growth. Effect Ideal investment solution for all investor profiles

3 System overview Anchor A D Dock IMPLEMENTATION
System’s currency A Dock Stabilization mechanism D Monetary Measurement Unit VALUE PEG COMMUNITY TRUST We have three key elements that comprise the Anchor ecosystem: The MMU, the most accurate and objective representation of value of the Global Economy, as the most universal, stable and predictable pegging mechanism available today The unique two-token model which acts as a strong stabilization mechanism against market trends and ensures the peg of the Anchor Token to the MMU at all points in time, with high incentives for stabilization participants Safe investments that will provide long-term sustainability for the Anchor ecosystem Anchor Token holders (ANCH) Safe investments

4 System overview Anchor A D Dock VALUE GAP IMPLEMENTATION MMU
System’s currency A Dock Stabilization mechanism D Monetary Measurement Unit VALUE PEG COMMUNITY TRUST MMU Predictable numerical index Representation of global economy’s value IDEAL FINANCIAL STANDARD IDEAL FINANCIAL STANDARD VALUE GAP Most cryptocurrencies today have unstable pegs of value (USD, other cryptos, etc) The concept behind the MMU formula is to provide a true representation of the global economy’s value, in the form of a numerical index that all other currencies can be pegged to, including the Anchor. (make a point based on the graph regarding the value gap between USD and the constant and predictable growth of the global economy, which is accurately represented by the MMU in the Anchor ecosystem) Anchor Token holders (ANCH) USD USD Safe investments IDEAL FINANCIAL STANDARD USD

5 Predictable numerical index Proprietary algorithm
IMPLEMENTATION System overview Monetary Measurement Unit MMU Predictable numerical index VALUE PEG Representation of global economy’s value Anchor System’s currency A Dock Stabilization mechanism D Macroeconomic indicators Proprietary algorithm Real GDP PPP *REAL-TIME VALIDATED DATA In its current iteration, the basis for the calculation of the MMU relies on the growth of real GDP as an objective measure that excludes volatile effects of inflation and regional market instability, and provides a precise measure of each country’s influence on the economic growth of the world economy. The intrinsic stability of real GDP growth makes it more suitable for the purpose of providing a value peg than any individual national currency. Consequently, the MMU provides a stable peg for the Anchor, or any other currency for that matter, on the strength of the predictability and sustainability of global economic growth. Stable value peg Anchor Token holders (ANCH) COMMUNITY TRUST Safe investments

6 System overview Anchor A D Dock 1 ANCH = 1 MMU IMPLEMENTATION
System’s currency A Dock Stabilization mechanism D Monetary Measurement Unit VALUE PEG COMMUNITY TRUST Two-Token Model Stabilization mechanism Ensures ANCHOR peg to the MMU Contraction phase: 1 ANCH < 1 MMU Expansion phase 1 ANCH > 1 MMU X amount of ANCH need to be burned X amount of ANCH need to be minted ANCH holders buy DOCK Tokens at discount; those ANCH are burned New ANCH are minted; DOCK holders redeem their Tokens for new ANCH Anchor’s unique hybrid two-token model serves to keep the value of the Anchor Token, the main currency and payment token, pegged to the Monetary Measurement Unit. The Two-Token model consists of the Contraction Phase and the Expansion Phase. (explain briefly how Contraction and Expansion phases work with the main goal of maintaining a stable peg to the MMU) Anchor Token holders (ANCH) 1 ANCH = 1 MMU (stable peg) Safe investments

7 real ROI expressed in PP nominal ROI calculated in USD
REVENUE MODELS Contraction Phase Auction Holder offers: ANCH (FIRST RESPONDER) Holder returns: 15.74% ROI expressed in ANCH (1,041, ,000)/900,000 = or 15.74% Holder discount based on Volume and Quickness 13.6% Holder receives: ~ ,67 DOCK Tokens 18.15% real ROI expressed in PP Calculation: * = or 18.15% All DOCK Tokens redeemed for ANCH in 10 months or less Here we need to make a clear point on how the high incentives for stabilization participants will ensure the growth and development of a strong and loyal community which will be the foundation for the Anchor ecosystem long-term sustainability and expansion. REDEMPTION 20.56% nominal ROI calculated in USD Calculation: * = or 20.56% ~ ,67 ANCH Tokens

8 System overview Anchor A D Dock WHY? HOW? IMPLEMENTATION
System’s currency A Dock Stabilization mechanism D Monetary Measurement Unit VALUE PEG COMMUNITY TRUST Safe investments Stable capital assets Long-term stability and trust WHY? Additional layer of trust Long-term project viability Funds received from investors are deposited to a dedicated Anchor bank account. A part of the money is used for operational and administrative costs of running the Anchor System, while the rest is transferred to local escrow bank accounts in countries where Anchor is making safe investments. Anchor Token holders (ANCH) HOW? e.g. Government bonds Safe investments

9 Trust in the Anchor Economy
IMPLEMENTATION System overview Anchor System’s currency A Dock Stabilization mechanism D Monetary Measurement Unit VALUE PEG COMMUNITY TRUST Safe investments Predictable peg Stable value & High ROI for stabilization participants Preserving value of your holdings over time Anchor Token holders (ANCH) Trust in the Anchor Economy

10 30% DISCOUNT Token distribution & incentives 20 $2 M 30% DISCOUNT
Presale structure – DOCK Tokens: Investor incentives: INVESTORS VALIDATORS 20 validators Safeguarded against inflation 30% DISCOUNT $2 M investment minimum ⥥ Incentive: +$1 M in DOCKS Impervious to cryptomarket volatility Further purchases: 30% DISCOUNT Team Anchor as 21st validator Financial anchor for other currencies Minimum: $50 K ✓ Approval process Initial emission during presale: $600 M worth of Docks ⇋ Mirror vault: $600 M worth of Anchors

11 Executive summary Overall mandate Preserve and enhance the value of holder investments over time What is ANCHOR? MEASUREMENT UNIT OF MONETARY VALUE MOST TRUSTED STABLE CRYPTO GLOBAL FINANCIAL STANDARD Key value Trust through transparency and regular auditing Improvise  Effect Ideal investment solution for all investor profiles

12 Investing in The Future of Economy

13 Backup Deck

14 System overview Anchor A D Dock IMPLEMENTATION Two-Token Model
System’s currency A Dock Stabilization mechanism D Monetary Measurement Unit VALUE PEG COMMUNITY TRUST Two-Token Model Stabilization mechanism Ensures ANCHOR peg to the MMU Terms and Conditions During the Contraction Phase Sale: Anchors to burn [in USD] Volume discount $1 K – $99 K 1% $100 K – $250 K 2% $250 K – $500 K 3% $500K – $1 M 4% $1 M – $2 M 5% $2 M – $5 M 6% > $5 M 7% Order of auction responders Quickness discount 1st 10% 2nd 8% 3rd 5% 4th 2% 5th 1% Other 0% Anchor Coin holders (ANCH) Safe investments

15 42.86% 46.43% 50% Investors – Presale Discount ~1.500.000 ANCH
REVENUE MODELS Investors – Presale Discount Investor’s purchase: $ worth of DOCK Tokens Investor returns: 42.86% annual ROI expressed in ANCH Calculation: (( )/70) * 100% = 42.86% The initial price of 1 DOCK/ANCH is $0.67 30% presale discount – investor pays $700 K instead of $1 M Investor receives: ~ DOCK Tokens 46.43% real annual ROI expressed in PP Calculation: * = or 46.43% The MMU (Anchor peg) appreciates 2.5% YoY Anchor value: +5% YoY CONVERSION Additional correction for inflation – 2.5% YoY 50% nominal annual ROI calculated in USD Calculation: * 1.05 = 1.5 or 50% After 12 months: ~ ANCH

16 50% 53.75% 57.5% Validators – Presale Discount ~4.500.000 ANCH
REVENUE MODELS Validators – Presale Discount Validator’s purchase: $ worth of DOCK Tokens Validator returns: 50% annual ROI expressed in ANCH Calculation: ((3 - 2)/2) * 100% = 50% The initial price of 1 DOCK/ANCH is $0.67 33.3% presale discount – validator pays $2 M instead of $3 M Validator receives: ~ DOCK Tokens 53.75% real annual ROI expressed in PP Calculation: 1.5 * = or 53.75% The MMU (Anchor peg) appreciates 2.5% YoY Anchor value: +5% YoY CONVERSION Additional correction for inflation – 2.5% YoY 57.5% nominal annual ROI calculated in USD Calculation: 1.5 * 1.05 = or 57.5% After 12 months: ~ ANCH

17 real ROI expressed in PP nominal ROI calculated in USD
REVENUE MODELS Contraction Phase Auction Holder offers: ANCH (FIRST RESPONDER) Holder returns: 15.74% ROI expressed in ANCH (1,041, ,000)/900,000 = or 15.74% ANCH price at time of CPA is $0.67 – amounts to $600 K Holder discount: * 0.96 = or 13.6% Holder receives: ~ ,67 DOCK Tokens 18.15% real ROI expressed in PP Calculation: * = or 18.15% All DOCK Tokens redeemed for ANCH in 10 months or less REDEMPTION 20.56% nominal ROI calculated in USD Calculation: * = or 20.56% ~ ,67 ANCH Tokens

18 Expansion Phase Airdrop
REVENUE MODELS Expansion Phase Airdrop Scenario: ANCH goal – get back to the peg (MMU) (1) There are ANCH in circulation Anchor needs to issue $ worth of ANCH (2) ANCH unit price has gone from $0.67 to $0.68 Anchor issues: /0.67 = ANCH (3) DOCK Tokens have been issued thus far ANCH will be used for redemption of DOCKs (4) ANCH will be AIRDROPPED to ANCH HOLDERS (4) DOCK Tokens waiting to be redeemed ANCH/DOCK Holder: Holder probability for ANCH AIRDROP: Currently holds ANCH (Number of all purchased Docks + Number of Anchors in the wallet)/(Number of all created Docks + Circulating Supply of Anchor tokens prior to the Expansion Phase minting) (12,000, ,000,000)/(1,000,000, ,500,000,000) = 25,000,000/2,500,000,000 = 0.01 or 1% Historically had DOCK Tokens (cumulatively, at various points in time) ANCH market cap: Holder ANCH AIRDROP: 20,000,000 ANCH * 1% = 200,000 ANCH 200,000 * $0.67 = $133,333.33 Before price change: $1,000,000,000 (1,500,000,000 * $0.67) After price change: $1,015,000,000 (1,500,000,000 * $0.68)

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