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Published byLanny Santoso Modified over 6 years ago
DW Compliance Sampling/Forms for Public Water Systems (PWSs)
Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR) Lead and Copper Water Quality Parameters
Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR)
Sampling and Completing the TCEQ Microbial Reporting form (MRF) Revised Total Coliform Rule (RTCR)
Prior to Sample Collection:
You must have at least a Class D water license to take DW compliance samples for a Texas PWS.
Prior to Sample Collection:
Ensure you have the most recent Microbial Reporting Form. microbial/revised-total-coliform-rule
Prior to Sample Collection:
Ensure you are sampling at the appropriate sites as specified within the PWS’s Sample Siting Plan. Determine if Free or Total Cl2 should be checked
Sample Collection Read and Follow SOP (if you have one) and/or Reference Materials Follow Sampling Plan & Safety Plan if one exists Collect Representative Aliquot Protect Integrity of Sample Record Results and Conditions Complete MRF Chain of Custody
Microbiological Sampling
Coliforms are very easy to detect in a water sample. Their presence may indicate that a direct path exists between the environment and the water supply. This path could allow pathogenic organisms into the water supply.
Microbiological Sampling
One small subgroup of coliform bacteria, fecal coliform, is found only in the lower intestines of man and other warm blooded animals. When fecal coliform is found, this indicates that feces may have contaminated the water, immediate action is required.
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
1. Use a 100 mL Polystyrene Sterilized Sample Container with Sodium Thiosulfate (Na2S2O %) Preservative The following must be completed on the bottle label: PWS Number Date/Time of Collection Sampler Initials Address/Location of collection
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
2. Select the proper location to take the sample. An outside faucet that does not leak Avoid rubber hoses, dirty areas, and behind bushes Do not use the kitchen or bathroom sink (unless it cannot be avoided) Do not collect on extremely windy days or rainy days
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis – Outside Faucet
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
3. Open the faucet to a full flow for several minutes (minimum of 2 min) to flush the line.
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
4. Check and record the Disinfectant residual ____________ mg/L and the Disinfectant Type Chloramine (Total Chlorine) Free Chlorine
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
5. Use a flame for several seconds or a bleach solution (for several minutes) to disinfect around the threads and outlet of the faucet.
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis – Flame the Faucet
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
6. Follow any disinfection with another flush. 7. Reduce the flow to a smooth stream with no spraying.
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
Sample carefully Wear sterile gloves Open the bottle at arms length and hold the lid so that the inside faces down DO NOT rinse bottle out! Fill the bottle to just above the 100 mL line. Seal the bottle Turn the water off
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
Collect at arms length
Collecting a DW Sample for Coliform Analysis
Cap Down
Complete the TC Form (chain)
Complete the TC Form (chain)
If you use a pre-printed MRF from Ana- lab, your PWS information should be auto-filled by LIMS. Please be sure to check it for accuracy and let us know of any issues. If you have to use a blank MRF form ensure the following areas (highlighted in yellow) are completed LEGIBLY!
Complete the TC Form (chain)
Complete the TC Form (chain)
Fill in the sample collection location. For Raw Wells, be sure to use the proper format: G A (or B, C, etc)
Complete the TC Form (chain) – Raw Well
The sample ID format for the Raw Well is G A “G” is always at the front Then the PWS number Then the well designation – A, B, C, etc – on file with TCEQ. See Texas DWW site to double check if needed.
Texas DWW site
Texas DWW site – Sample Points
Look up water system and then click on “Sample Points”
Texas DWW site – Sample Points
Complete the TC Form (chain)
Check only one box for sample type Please note the following require a Cl2: Routine Dist. Repeat Raw Well
Complete the TC Form (chain)
Fill in collection date, time and circle AM or PM
Complete the TC Form (chain)
If the sample is a replacement, place a check in this column and list the sample # it is replacing. We can look this information up for you and fill it in (This is the only part that our login personnel can fill in for you!)
Complete the TC Form (chain)
If the sample(s) are a repeat series, also use this column to list the sample number of the positive that triggered a repeat. We can look this information up for you and fill it in (This is the only part that our login personnel can fill in for you!)
Complete the TC Form (chain)
Record the Cl2 and if it was Free or Total here
Complete the TC Form (chain)
Double check the form for errors and correct any you see with: Single line through with date and initial.
Prepare Samples for Delivery
Our Suggestions: Place the individual sample bottle in a baggie Place samples in a second baggie in a cooler for “TC Only” Place samples on ice
Deliver Samples to Lab Samples must be analyzed within the 30 hour holding time Complete the Date, Time, Relinquished by and Affiliation on the Chain of Custody portion on the upper right side of the form
Reasons for Sample Rejection
Broken in transit Chlorine present (in sample) Exceeded hold time Excessive volume Frozen sample Heavy bacterial growth Heavy silt or turbidity present Insufficient sample information Invalid sampling point Invalid sampling protocol Lab accident Lab rejected Leaked in transit No field measured Cl2 Volume Insufficient
Insufficient sample information
Missing mandatory information PWS ID Number Sampler name Sampler signature Sample type Date and/or time of sample collection Missing Relinquish information
Electronic Reporting of Data
The laboratory that analyzes the samples is responsible for reporting the data to TCEQ. EDD format (sample results for multiple clients sent in one .csv file) We make an effort to report these weekly on Mondays. Positive samples are reported to TCEQ the day they are read off (exception – weekends, which are reported to TCEQ on the following Monday)
Form 20683 Lead and Copper
Prior to Sample Collection:
Ensure you have the most recent version of TCEQ form chemicals/lead_copper/lead-copper.html
Prior to Sample Collection
Scroll down to the following section:
From Sampling Instructions and Guidance
6M PWS Instructions REDUCED 2018 PWS Instructions
From Sampling Instructions and Guidance
6M PWS Instructions REDUCED 2018 PWS Instructions
From Sampling Instructions and Guidance
6M PWS Instructions REDUCED 2018 PWS Instructions
From Sampling Instructions and Guidance
6M PWS Instructions REDUCED 2018 PWS Instructions
From Sampling Instructions and Guidance
Guidance for the Analysis and Reporting of Tap Water Samples under the Lead and Copper Rule, Addendum #2 The following must be completed on the bottle label: The sample label provided with the “Homeowner Tap Sample Collection Procedures” may be used OR A label that includes the following at a minimum: Sample Point ID# and Location Address Date/Time water last used Date/Time sample collected Which inside sink was used
From Sampling Instructions and Guidance
6M PWS Instructions REDUCED 2018 PWS Instructions
From Sampling Instructions and Guidance
6M PWS Instructions REDUCED 2018 PWS Instructions
Completing Form 20683
Completing Form 20683 Instructions are on Page 2 of the PDF
Completing Form 20683 Responsible PWS representative (or agent) who vouches for correct sample collection procedure and documentation. Fill out name, signature, organization, and date. Individual directly responsible for the collection of samples must ensure correct sample collection by checking all six items under the PWS Tap Sample Checklist.
Completing Form 20683 Check if the sample is a replacement
At least 6 hours between these The lab can fill this section in for you if we are the ones who rejected the original sample(s)
Completing Form 20683 For Distribution samples, refer to your approved sampling pool. For Entry point samples, check the Texas DWW site:
Completing Form 20683
Completing Form 20683 The rest of the form will be completed by the lab.
Deliver/Ship Samples Samples must be received within 14 days of collection They may be hand-delivered, transferred to our sampling technicians, and/or shipped. Lead/Copper samples do not need to be shipped on ice.
Deliver/Ship Samples Prior to shipping samples, please be sure to review your forms. Once they are relinquished to the lab, they cannot be corrected without contacting TCEQ.
Reasons for Sample Rejection
Broken container Exceeded hold time Excessive volume Frozen sample Excessive headspace Invalid container used Invalid date/time Insufficient sample information Invalid sampling protocol Lab accident Lab error/Lab QC failure Leaked in transit Submission form and CoC do not match No date/time No sample received Improperly preserved No PWS Signature QA/QC issue Quantity Insufficent Reporting limit not met Insufficient Volume
Insufficient sample information/Documentation Issues
Insufficient Information: Handwriting not legible PWS side of form incomplete Form not sent in with samples Not the current version of the form Discrepancies between form and sample bottle label. Missing PWS rep signature Invalid dates/times Missing Dates/times
Insufficient sample information/Documentation Issues
Facility ID incorrect Example: using other than DS01 for distribution samples Sample Point ID incorrect Using the same LCR# for multiple addresses Not using ELCR for entry point samples
Laboratory Restrictions
We cannot correct or complete the LCRMF (Form 20683). PWS personnel are to complete, sign, and date the form. Once the form/samples have been received, the lab cannot modify the form. If there is a question about documentation after the samples are received, the lab is instructed to contact the PWSS Program QA Mgr for guidance
Electronic Reporting of Data
The laboratory that analyzes the samples is responsible for reporting the data to TCEQ. EDD format (sample results for multiple clients sent in one Access document) PDFs of the LCRMF plus the analytical report for each PWS. The EDD and PDFs are sent in one . We make an effort to report these weekly on Mondays.
Texas DWW site After you receive your analytical report, you can check to see if your results have been migrated.
Water Quality parameters
Form 20679 Water Quality parameters
Prior to Sample Collection:
You must have at least a Class D water license to take DW compliance samples for a Texas PWS. You must have a current Lab Approval Form to analyze the on-site pH and temperature.
Prior to Sample Collection:
Ensure you have the most recent Water Quality Parameter Monitoring Form chemicals/lead_copper/lead-copper.html
Prior to Sample Collection
Scroll down to the following section:
TCEQ Guidance Document
ermitting/watersupply/pdw/chemicals/lead _copper/PWS_WQP_Sampling_Guidance .pdf
Acceptable Analytical Methods
ermitting/watersupply/pdw/chemicals/lead _copper/WQP_Methods.pdf
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance - Containers
If you request a sample kit, we will provide a copy of Form and the appropriate bottles for sample collection, typically, 2 one liter bottles.
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance- Form 20679
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance- pH and Temperature
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance- Collection
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance- Sample Labels
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance-Preservation
Samples are preserved upon receipt at the laboratory. Store samples in a cooler on ice for delivery to the laboratory. Some parameters require thermal preservation to <6C (but not freezing). Samples delivered to the lab the same day as collection may not meet this requirement. They are acceptable as long as they are received on ice.
From PWS WQP Sampling Guidance- Holding Time
Completing Form 20679
Completing Form 20679 Check the box indicating the type of inhibitor or stabilizer used by the water system; phosphate, silica, or calcium carbonate. (If applicable) IMPORTANT NOTE: The laboratory must analyze for orthophosphate or silica if either of those the inhibitors is check Fill in the dosage rate for alkalinity and/or inhibitor if applicable
Completing Form 20679 Check one of these
Check one of these, if 3rd party, fill in Lab ID#.
Completing Form 20679 Check if the sample is a replacement
The lab can fill this section in for you if we are the ones who rejected the original sample(s) Responsible PWS representative (or agent) who vouches for correct sample collection procedure and documentation. Fill out name, signature, organization, and date.
Completing Form 20679 For Distribution samples, refer to your approved sampling pool. For Entry point samples, check the Texas DWW site:
Completing Form 20679 If you require O-phosphate or Silica, check the appropriate box.
Completing Form 20679
Completing Form 20679 – Lab Portion
Deliver/Ship Samples Prior to shipping samples, please be sure to review your forms. Once they are relinquished to the lab, they cannot be corrected without contacting TCEQ.
Reasons for Sample Rejection
Broken container Exceeded hold time Excessive volume Frozen sample Excessive headspace Invalid container used Invalid date/time Insufficient sample information Invalid sampling protocol Lab accident Lab error/Lab QC failure Leaked in transit Submission form and CoC do not match No date/time No sample received Improperly preserved No PWS Signature QA/QC issue Quantity Insufficent Reporting limit not met Insufficient Volume
Insufficient sample information/Documentation Issues
Insufficient Information: Handwriting not legible PWS side of form incomplete Form not sent in with samples Not the current version of the form Discrepancies between form and sample bottle label. Missing PWS rep signature Invalid dates/times Missing Dates/times
Insufficient sample information/Documentation Issues
Facility ID incorrect DS01 for Distribution Samples PBCU### for Entry Point Samples Sample Point ID incorrect DSTWQP for distribution samples EWQP for Entry Point Samples
Laboratory Restrictions
We cannot correct or complete the WQPMF (Form 20679). PWS personnel are to complete, sign, and date the form. Once the form/samples have been received, the lab cannot modify the form. If there is a question about documentation after the samples are received, the lab is instructed to contact the PWSS Program QA Mgr for guidance
Electronic Reporting of Data
The laboratory that analyzes the samples is responsible for reporting the data to TCEQ. EDD format (sample results for multiple clients sent in one Access document) PDFs of the WQPMF plus the analytical report for each PWS. The EDD and PDFs are sent in one . We make an effort to report these weekly on Mondays.
Texas DWW site After you receive your analytical report, you can check to see if your results have been migrated.
Final Thoughts Be careful of holding times.
The lab does need processing time to receive, log, and analyze your samples. Lead/Copper samples and the portion of WQP for metals analysis and Total Hardness are preserved at the lab and must sit for 24 hours prior to analysis (potentially longer if the pH is not <2 after 24 hrs).
References EPA Drinking Water Manual, 5th Ed ( water) QAPP for the TCEQ PWSS Program Relating to the Safe Drinking Water Act Addendum #2 “Guidance for Analysis and Reporting of Tap Water Samples under the Lead and Copper Rule” Addendum #3 “Guidance for Analysis and Reporting of Water Quality Parameters under the Lead and Copper Rule” Addendum #4 “Guidance for Analysis and Reporting Under the Revised Total Coliform Rule” TCEQ RG-421: Coliform Sampling for Public Water Systems ( QAPPs and Addenda available on-line at:
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