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The Power . . . Of PowerPoint.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power . . . Of PowerPoint."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power . . . Of PowerPoint

2 Toolbars Standard Toolbar Formatting Toolbar Drawing Toolbar
Look at the options of the Toolbar- most follow the MS format used in other programs like Word. Tooltips – when the mouse hovers over a menu option, the tooltip gives a short explanation of what it does. Tools  Customize  Toolbars to select the toolbars you want Right click on objects for options – what is currently selected determines the options available. Toolbars show on slides: Tools  Customize  Check Standard, Formatting, Drawing, Menu Bar, and Task Pane Drawing Toolbar

3 Toolbars Drawing Toolbar Presentation Toolbar
Look at the options of the Toolbar- most follow the MS format used in other programs like Word. Tooltips – when the mouse hovers over a menu option, the tooltip gives a short explanation of what it does. Tools  Customize  Toolbars to select the toolbars you want Right click on objects for options – what is currently selected determines the options available. Toolbars show on slides: Tools  Customize  Check Standard, Formatting, Drawing, Menu Bar, and Task Pane

4 Drawing Toolbar Use for lines; shapes; text boxes (right click to format) ; arrow, the color of a shape, font, or fill; the width or a line or arrow; grouping; order;

5 The Menu Options Look at the options of the Toolbar- most follow the MS format used in other programs like Word. MENU - Note the double down arrows to extend the menu past the most frequently used options. File  the last 4 presentations opened, new, open, close (small x), Print, Print Preview Edit  Office clipboard for last thing copied in Office, Undo , Delete slide More menus are covered in the next slides.

6 Notes Click here to add notes – this is where I can put what I want to say that does not fit in the slides! For a presentation, I can print out a notes view.

7 File File Open, Close, recently opened presentations
File  Page setup to choose portrait or landscape File  Print Preview File  Print File  Save, Save As, Save As Web Page

8 View – be sure to get it all!
View Menu: Header and Footer Toolbars Zoom Slide Sorter (next slide) Slide Show Master Slide Normal – restores panes

9 Slide Sorter View  slide sorter OR click on the slide sorter icon on the lower left side of the screen To go back, View  Normal For presentations, click on View  Slide Show or the Slide Show icon in the lower left corner of the screen. To Escape the presentation, click the Esc button on your keyboard.

10 Format Format  Bullets and Spacing  Font (next slide)
 Slide Design (next slide)  Layout Option (next slide) Format Text boxes by right clicking on the text box (or shape)

11 Font Format  Font Select the type of font, the size (the bigger the number the bigger the font), bold, italics, Sans serif is a category of font that without serifs which are the small lines at the end of characters. Serif is good for printed material but sans serif is better for presentations and web pages. Examples of common sans serif fonts: Helvetica and Arial. Example of common serif fonts: Times Roman.

12 Background Format  Background Format  Background
Use the drop down menu to select colors or fill effects.

13 Slide Design Format  Slide Design OR use the Toolbar option  Design if you have the Formatting Toolbar. Best to use one design all slides; but for this special case, I used the drop-down menu options to the right of the design. Customize with Format  Background (remember Undo!) OR Slide Design (right side)  Color Schemes

14 Layout Option Format  Slide Layout
This brings up the Slide Layout choices on the right side of the screen. Choose from Text Layouts, Content Layouts, Text and Content Layouts or Other Layouts

15 Outline Click on Outline in the right side panel – switch between Outline and Slide view

16 Office Assistant – F(r)iend or Foe?
Help  Show the Office Assistant. Right click on the assistant to animate, choose the assistant you want (click next to go through the choices) Right click on the assistant and select options to determine when you get the assistant.

17 Insert Insert  New Slide – inserts a blank slide after the current slide; You can use different layouts.  Duplicate – copies the slide you are on and inserts after the current slide  Picture  Picture, Clipart, …  Text Box, Object (can also use the toolbar option)  Charts (can also use the toolbar option)  Table (can also use the toolbar option)

18 Tools Tools  Customize Tools  Options

19 Animation Slide Show  Animation Schemes…
The Custom Animations panel appears on the right side of the screen.

20 Custom Animation Slide Show  Custom Animations…
The Custom Animations panel appears on the right side of the screen.

21 Slide Transition Slide Show  Slide Transitions…
The Slide Transition panel appears on the right side of the screen.

22 Printing and Saving Slide view vs. Handouts – number of slides per page

23 Shortcuts Escape to get out of slide show Save: Control + S
Copy: Control + C Paste: Control + V All shortcuts - listed beside the menu item.

24 Questions? Tutorials:

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