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Vocab. List 1-5 Isaac Buna.

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1 Vocab. List 1-5 Isaac Buna

2 Ruck ruhk noun plural nouns: Rucks
A tightly packed crowd of people “The school principal squeezed through the ruck of students to end the fight“ Bad luck Chuck got stuck in a ruck of people

3 Anachronism [uh-nak-ruh-niz-uhm] Noun anach·ro·nis·tic also ana·chron·ic adjective — anach·ro·nis·ti·cal·ly adverb — anach·ro·nous adjective — anach·ro·nous·ly adverb something (such as a word, an object, or an event) that is mistakenly placed in a time where it does not belong in a story, movie, etc. “In our modern world of pre-made, rush-rush, tightly scheduled lives, Amanda Blake Soule is an anachronism”. Anachronism comes from the Greek roots  ana- which means "against" and chron- which means "time." 

4 Eke /ēk/ verb Eked Eking EKES
manage to support oneself or make a living with difficulty. "they eked out their livelihoods from the soil“ Due to the EKEconomy, he eked out his living through poverty

5 . Quail(s) \ˈkwāl\ verb To recoil in fear

6 Tryst /trist/ Noun an agreement (as between lovers) to meet “Perhaps the most romantic tryst in literature was the meeting between Romeo and Juliet” The origin of the word tryst comes from Middle English, and originally referred to a designated hunting station. Today it has come to refer to mainly romantic meetings, often with a secretive feel to it. (That's appropriate — aren’t we all hunting for love?) (

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