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16th Meeting of the MGSC March 2014

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1 Feedback from the High level seminar on Global Assessments and Peer Reviews Alushta, 25-27 June 2013
16th Meeting of the MGSC March 2014 Andrea Scheller, Head of the EFTA Statistical Office

2 Raison d’être Organisation Scope
Background Raison d’être Adapted global assessments (AGA) and light peer reviews (LPR) conducted in most countries of EECCA & South-East Europe Follow-up on first high-level management seminar in Yalta 2009 Organisation Organisers: Eurostat, UNECE and EFTA; host: SSSU in Alushta Scope EECCA & Mongolia, Western Balkans, Non-European Mediterra-nean countries plus international organisations & donor countries

3 Present the procedures and processes for the various assessments
Objectives Present the procedures and processes for the various assessments Discuss the outcomes, benefits and challenges of the assessments Take stock of the recommendations of the assessments, identifying commonalities and differences Exchange of good practices and experiences in implementing the recommendations Discuss monitoring of and support for implementation of the recommendations Identify future actions and modalities of further assessments

4 Review of implementation
Conclusions I Review of implementation Assessment process reviewed and success stories identified Benefits of assessments and recommendations recognized and promoted by countries Improvement actions integrated into long-term strategies and annual work programmes and work on implementation started Possibility to exchange views on how to implement recommendations highly appreciated Implementation of recommendations needs to be adapted to context

5 Monitoring and support
Conclusions II Monitoring and support Eurostat & UNECE monitor implementation of improvement actions: for Western Balkans and Turkey since 2012 for EECCA countries launched in 2013 Monitoring gives overview of achievements and challenges, and helps to identify possible areas for technical assistance Implementation of recommendations will be supported by international organisations and other donors through projects, programmes and by advocating the recommendations to the different stakeholders in the national statistical system and beyond

6 Future assessments Further outlook
Conclusions III Future assessments Full AGA (minimum 5 years after first one) Focused/shorter assessments based on monitoring results, identified weak areas and newly emerging issues Sector/in-depth assessments of a specific statistical domain Peer reviews, compliance with European Statistics Code of Practice Further outlook Inclusion of experts from recently assessed NSIs in AGA suggested Follow-up of specific issues planned in regional meetings

7 Useful links EFTA Technical cooperation
Eurostat International cooperation Global assessment and Peer review reports: Enlargement countries: European Neighbourhood Policy: See >Publications >Reports UNECE Technical cooperation: Alushta seminar documents:

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