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Facilitated Discussion on Voluntary Integration

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1 Facilitated Discussion on Voluntary Integration
The ECC Board Meeting May 2018

2 Guiding Principles for Integration
“The potential of integration is in its ability to address both sides of the value equation – improving health outcomes and the experience of care for those using the health system, while at the same time reducing duplication or lack of coordination that can lead to unnecessary costs.” Toronto Central LHIN ‘Voluntary Integration Roadmap’ page 2

3 Context for Integration
“Before considering potential transactions, it is critical that Board members and executives take stock of their own organization’s progress in achieving its vision and mission, effectiveness (e.g. client outcomes, service quality), internal strengths and challenges, as well as emerging client and community trends and other external factors affecting the future.” Woodgreen ‘From Strategy to Implementation’ page 6

4 The ECC Mission and Vision
Mission The ECC improves infant, child, youth and family well-being by providing effective community based mental health and autism services. Vision Children, youth and their families succeeding in their daily lives.

5 Integration Is More Than Just Mergers
Additional Considerations for Integration Degree of Integration Linkage (ad hoc) Coordination Structured Collaboration Program/Service Transfer Full Integration Limited or informal connections, network One time / ad hoc working arrangement Ongoing formal partnership/coordination agreements within a system Program/service level No structural changes Ongoing formal collaboration agreements within a system Standardization along care pathway, shared services Brands remain separate Formal transfer, merge or amalgamation of program services May include back office services/functions as well as clinical Creation of single system of care Based on Kodner’s model

6 Domains to Consider Access Quality Property Infrastructure
Toronto region Woodgreen 6, 7 8,

7 Scenario 1: Coordination
Ongoing formal partnership/coordination agreements within a system Program/service level No structural changes How would this scenario affect The ECC’s: Sustainability? Quality of care? (access; wait times) Alignment with vision/mission?

8 Scenario 2: Structured Collaboration
Ongoing formal collaboration agreements within a system Standardization along care pathway, shared services Brands remain separate How would this scenario affect The ECC’s: Sustainability? Quality of care? (access; wait times) Alignment with vision/mission?

9 Scenario 3: Full Integration
Creation of single system of care Could involve The ECC becoming part of a larger entity; The ECC absorbing a smaller entity; a merger of two like-sized entities to form a new entity How would this scenario affect The ECC’s: Sustainability? Quality of care? (access; wait times) Alignment with vision/mission?

10 Implementation Timeline
2018 2019 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Create a shared understanding of the benefits of integration Strategy & Readiness Initial Discussions

11 The Political Landscape
Scenario 1: The Song Remains the Same Scenario 2: Change at Queen’s Park Under this scenario, the current government is re-elected The pro-integration climate prevails and perhaps intensifies In Scenario 2, a new government is elected The new government pauses or reverses direction via integration In either scenario, The ECC must be able to clearly articulate its position and demonstrate the Board has done its due diligence in considering integration. The ECC Board should also consider if, when and how to engage with the candidates for the ridings it encompasses. The Board should also consider how and when to make its initial approach to newly elected (or re-elected) MPPs.

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