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OF NOTE— In this chapter we will only be studying the Mongols

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1 OF NOTE— In this chapter we will only be studying the Mongols
OF NOTE— In this chapter we will only be studying the Mongols. Therefore, our readings will be limited to pages We will not be reading the full chapter. We will be examining in class several DBQ handouts for this chapter.

2 CHAPTER 12, pp. 529-548 1200 —1500 c.e. “The Mongol Moment”

CHAPTER 8 Strayer Text Book HW STRAYER CHAPTER 12 HOME WORK Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 12—PP C11 REMINDER REMINDER—due This was assigned on April 1st of 2019 the original due date was but it’s been extended to : INDEPENDENT STUDY HANDOUT. Remember the Chapter 14 Independent Study Handout must be completed by the due dates. If you misplaced it, you can find it on my Bronx Science page. IT IS A WORD DOCUMENT ENTITLED: Chapter 14 Pre-Essay Assignment. (This will be a spot check.) REMINDER—due TEAM WORK C11 MINI LESSON—This was assigned on ; it will be due on Each team was assigned one question to prepare for in-class discussion. Team members must complete the lesson planning worksheet which is on the back of the assignment’s handout. Your plan should be neatly written in pen or typed. Teams must also complete the team’s peer assessment which is on the lesson worksheet. You can also find this assignment on my bxsci page. It’s a word document entitled C11 Test Prep Student Mini Lesson 2019. DUE 5-2-19 Chapter 12 HOMEWORK — Begin this chapter on p. 529—HW Strayer Book, read pp Breakout—The Mongol Empire. Answer the following margin + image questions: P Description: Identify the major steps in the rise of the Mongol Empire. P Explanation: What accounts for the political and military success of the Mongols? DUE READ HANDOUT on Marco Polo. Provide examples of his impressions of China. Bring the handout and your answers to class on 5-3-19 DUE Strayer Book, read pp Encountering the Mongols. Answer the following margin questions P Change: How did Mongol rule change China? In what ways were the Mongols changed by China. P. 538 Comparison: How was Mongol rule in Persia different from that in China? P. 539 Comparison: What was distinctive about the Russian experience of Mongol rule? C11 TEST STUDY FOR C11 TEST which will be on Wednesday, HW continued on the next slide

Date Assigned APW 1 Homework Assignment Strayer, Chapter 12—PP DUE Strayer Book, read pp. 542—547. Encountering the Mongols and Mongol Empire as a Eurasian Network. Answer the following margin, map+ image questions: p Connection: In what ways did the Mongol Empire contribute to the globalization? P. 545 Change: Disease changes societies. How might this argument apply to the plague? DUE C12 KEY TERMS—You can find these terms and their definitions on my Bronx Science page. You may copy or download this worksheet. Underneath each of the terms, explain its “significance”. ( Follow the homework format as you do this.) Submit your responses to on The C12 test will be on the same day that we have the C13 test. We will review for both the day before and in the Tuesday afternoon-SGI which is also the day before the test. Due GO TO CHAPTER 13 There will be hw tonight. STRAYER CHAPTER 12 HOME WORK CHAPTER 8 Strayer Text Book HW

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