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“Establishing Business Network Bureau”

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1 “Establishing Business Network Bureau”
JOB JO Work Package 2 “Establishing Business Network Bureau” Presentation by HTWK Leipzig Kick-Off Meeting Dr.Riyadh Qashi M.Sc. Alex Dekin

2 Work Package 2 “Establishing Business Network Bureau”
Highlights: Five (BSNB) will be set up in partner universities. Academic partners of Partner Country will provide rooms for (BSNB) and trainings. The rooms will be equipped with modern information technology. Training courses in Europe will be organized to transfer the experience of European universities to JO partners For effective organization of the work of (BSNB). The EU partner will help in identify the problem of unemployment in the remote areas in Jordan based on the result of the Questionnaires (tasks 1.3 &1.4) which study the local community. The training will be in HTWK, UCY and ISLA.

3 Work Package 2 “Establishing Business Network Bureau”
Planned Training activities: Five (BSNB) will be set up in partner universities. Studying the issues of selection and composition of the staff of the (BSNB) Elaboration of catalogue of courses offered to listeners Methods of attracting potential listeners study the questions of financing and dissemination Gained experience will be used to develop a network model

4 Work Package 2 “Establishing Business Network Bureau”
Tasks: 2.1 Scoping and Market Needs Analysis 2.2 Purchasing equipment, Installation and preparation the Bureau 2.3 Training to study of the experience of European

5 Work Package 2 “Establishing Business Network Bureau”
2.1 Scoping and Market Needs Analysis Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: Providing a scoping and needs analysis exercise to investigate the current status in the field of unemployment and poverty issues, actual market demands, trends and needs as well government policies and regulations. The investigation will commence with desk research and on-Line survey for Jordanian Stakeholders, including new graduates, student, local community, enterprises and governmental bodies. JUST, UJ, GKM, MPWH, TTU, AHU, UCY will be involve in this task.

6 Work Package 2 “Establishing Business Network Bureau”
2.2 Purchasing equipment, installation and preparation the BSNB Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: The main purpose of this activity is equipment of allocated rooms for centers and equipping them with the modern information technology Erasmus and MU regulation will be followed in purchasing the equipment All the equipment will be purchased to help the training process Data show, laptops, routers and computers will be installed in the training rooms at the partner universities

7 Work Package 2 “Establishing Business Network Bureau”
2.3 Training to study of the experience of European Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: Representatives of each partner from Jordan will have a training at European universities in UCY Partners of ISLA, HTWK, will share their experience about Vocational Educational Training (VET) at training The training will focus on issues Personal and Communication Skills job hunting skills, interview skills, career development, interview skills, behavior-Critical Thinking in Solving Problems and the opportunity to participate in Industry Awareness Experiences A coordination meeting of all partners will be conducted during this training in order to save project funds

8 Many Thanks for Your Attention

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