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Divergent Methods (THE TWO Q’s] and Identifying the research problem

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1 Divergent Methods (THE TWO Q’s] and Identifying the research problem
Bubbling up a good idea

2 What are Research to Practice Issues - Vaughn Clinger Hahn

3 Who Examines these questions for the critical analysis of research
Who Examines these questions for the critical analysis of research? (Consumer and/or Researcher] Does the study examine a relevant issue? Is the study replicable Are the data reliable? Are the analyses of the data correct? Are the conclusions meaningful? What are the limitations to interpretation or application of the conclusions?

4 THINK TANK What is research problem? Where does it come from? (small groups of 3)

5 The research problem is the educational issue(s) or concern(s) addressed that creates the need for the study

6 Two types of research problems, typically
Practical research issues – arise from the setting and activities of educators Study-based research issues – arise from a need to extend knowledge or resolve conflicting views (findings) in published research But sometimes we have methods based issues & other times we have theory issues

7 The research problem is not
The research topic – the broad subject matter addressed The research purpose – the major intent, objective or outcome The research question – the specific question to answer

8 Developing a Research Problem
State the topic State the research problem(s) Potential research problems for the practitioner-researcher come from practical educational issues based in professional experience

9 Justify the Problem Personal experiences (qualitative research only);
Classroom. school, district, or community data and experiences; A scan of current state or national trends from Internet reports, state or district data, national reports (e.g., Reading First, A Nation at Risk, Goals 2000), or reports of professional organizations (e.g., CEC, NCTM, ISTE, etc.)and/or Prior research reports, especially the implications for future research

10 Questions and Problems
Look at questions and problems in some of the articles Discuss in small groups Compare to your questions Think about your problem and how it would relate to a question Think about how you begin to generate and idea for a study from that Take notes on your question and possible problem you think you want to address. Post you work so far by Sunday Midnight.

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