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“Day E” Friday November 20, 2015 Need your lunch or lunch $$!

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Presentation on theme: "“Day E” Friday November 20, 2015 Need your lunch or lunch $$!"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day E” Friday November 20, 2015 Need your lunch or lunch $$!
7: :45 Social Studies 8: :35 English 9: :25 Science 10: :00 11: :03 LUNCH (1st lunch) Math Express 12: :54 Math 12: :44 Exploratory 1: :30 Need your lunch or lunch $$! locker

2 Nov. 20, 2015 Do Now: Take out your H.W. (“Ratio MCAS Questions Packet) Make sure your name is on it. Clear everything else off you desk. Put EVERYTHING away! Make sure you have a pen or pencil. Pick up Common Assessment 2 Retest. On your MARK, GET SET, GO! (12 minutes)

3 Nov. 20, 2015 Today’s Objective I will apply my knowledge of ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, double number line diagrams, graphs, or equations. I will demonstrate my understanding by completing my centers work. 6.RP.A.3

4 Today’s Agenda 1.) Common Assessment retest 2.) Center Work
Nov. 20, 2015 Today’s Agenda 1.) Common Assessment retest 2.) Center Work 3.) H.W. update & T.T.G

5 Center Work: Nov. 20, 2015 Students are to: Center 1
Spend 5 minutes at each center. Follow the direction of each center. Rotate when timed. Center 1 Ratio Tables Center 6 Graphing Center 2 Ratio Equations Center 5 Double # lines Center 4 Writing Equations Center 3 Graphing

6 Homework Finish center classwork Mid-Module test on Tuesday

7 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners Nov. 20, 2015

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