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Welcome to room 40  Reminders:

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1 Welcome to room 40  Reminders:
Sign in using the computers at the back table Please also sign the Website Consent Form packet giving your child permission to use the different apps and websites throughout the year. Supplies- Put class supplies in the designated location around the room and student’s individual supplies in their desks. (We will organize on the first day!  ) Check out the classroom wish list I will you the Sign-up Genius conference sign up at some point soon. It is also on my website.

2 Welcome to the 5th grade! Mrs. Bigney Room 40

3 Fifth Grade is a year of changes: exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Fifth grade expectations are much greater than ever before: student and parents must be up for the challenge! Your child knows the we move on from there. We will build upon existing knowledge and create life-long learners. There is an incredible amount of content to cover so responsibility is great. Fifth graders must come to school each day with a positive, respectful attitude, be prepared to learn, take initiative and be willing to draw outside of the lines. The pace is fast, but by working together as a TEAM we will help each other make incredible gains and succeed! I will guide your child through the exciting world of fifth grade and they will leave each day knowing that they are loved, that they were heard, that they are smart and that they can accomplish anything! I will challenge them in ways they never thought possible, I will expect nothing but the best and I will watch them grow into the most incredible 5th graders ever. I will teach them to think, to be proud and to never give up! What you can AMAZING year!

4 About Mrs. Bigney I received a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Penn State University. I love all things Penn State. I have taught 3rd, and 4th with most of my 15 years in 5th. I like to read, travel, and do anything outside (run, golf, hike, rock climb, snowboard, etc.) I live in Waterford, VA with my husband Mike; 4 year old, Joey (Joelle); 6 year old, Palmer (Coming to Syc for 1st grade!); and a playful puppy, Moxie.

5 Highlights of 5th grade DARE Program instructed by Deputy Harding
5th Grade Chorus 5th Grade Student Council PE Tournaments Sammy Show Reading Buddies Blue and Green Game Middle School Tour Watch Dog DAD Running Club Field Trips Safety Patrol 5th Grade End of the Year Graduation/Celebration

6 Our Curriculum Reading: nonfiction and fiction texts, story elements (setting, plot, characters, author’s purpose), literary elements (cause/effect, sequencing, inference), novel studies, AR (Accelerated Reader) Writing: composition, journal entries, writing prompts, parts of speech, editing, punctuation Science (with Mrs. Dahnert tools, scientific method, units in earth, life, and physical science Social Studies: regions of the USA, states and capitals, geography, maps Math: place value, decimals, fractions, operations, geometry, variables These are just some of the topics in our curriculum.

7 Chorus Chorus will meet in the mornings at 7:10 OR right after school on Wednesdays. Chorus will have performances throughout the school year. Chorus is a great way to improve reading skills and have fun at the same time!

8 The Sammy Show Students will have the opportunity to participate in the Sammy Show (morning announcements) in fifth grade. In order to participate students will have to complete an application and audition for a place on the Sammy Show. If chosen, they will need to be at school by 7:30 each morning. Being on the Sammy Show is a privilege. If a student is not arriving to school on time, not behaving in class, or has missing assignments they will not be able to participate.

9 PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention System)
School wide behavior model 5 Sammy spots: recess, hallway, bathroom, bus, and cafeteria 3 anchors: Respect Self, Respect Others, Respect Property Students can earn Sammy tickets at any spot from staff members Individual and class rewards Look for Sammy stickers on your child if they earn an individual ticket Class goal = 100 stars and rewards are earned *Check the school’s webpage for PBIS updates!

10 Class Dojo Classroom Behavior Plan for 5th grade. It is an app that we will be using. Each student has an avatar and the app keeps track of their points they receive and lose throughout the day. If you connect, (there’s a paper on your child’s desk with directions) you will be notified when your child receives and/or loses points and the reason. Behavior: Students will lose points if they display a behavior that doesn’t align with our school/class expectations. Positive Reinforcement: Students can earn points from teachers and specialists for exceptional responsibilities, collaboration, citizenship, among other behaviors. Once a month, there will be a Class Dojo Store where students can purchase opportunities and items using their points. We will also have an auction that kids can bid on fun items.

11 Homework Homework is the students’ opportunity to both practice and gauge their understanding of a concept. Homework is given nightly and will be written in the agenda each day. Please check the agenda each night. Homework should be completed independently. Incomplete or missing assignments will be noted at the end of the week on a weekly report. Questions about homework? Let me know!! Homework will consist of: Reading (20 minutes) Math (nightly)

12 Agenda Use it! Students have a time each day that is designated to writing their homework in it. Great way to communicate and keep me informed Keep student organized and get them ready for middle school.

13 Grading Indicators for progress follow the national rubric:
4= Exceeds Standards 3= Meets Standards 2= Progressing Towards Standard 1= Below Standard *Students graded assignments will show a # score (1-4) rather than letter grades

14 Report Cards Students will be graded on their classwork, class projects, oral presentations, and quizzes and tests. Our school's Parent Vue ->  County's Phoenix Parent Page (connected from our page too) - > 



17 SOL This year the fifth grade will be taking 3 SOL tests in May.
Science (Both 4th and 5th grade standards will be tested) Math Reading **Our SOL tests will be taken on the computer.

18 Technology Students may (to YOUR discretion!!!) bring a device that will allow them to create content Devices that have keyboards and WiFi capability are best – and can connect to LCPS-Open WiFi– preferably 8” screen or bigger Students will follow the expectations discussed and outlined in the "acceptable use" contract they will sign. We have more technology available than in years past however using their devices will benefit them to prepare them for middle school. They can bring it daily. For more information, visit the Sycolin Creek website, under the BYOT tab: As you know, LCPS does not provide insurance coverage for students' or employees' personal property brought to school or work: for example, laptops, iPods, iPads, tablets, smart phones, cameras, etc. that may be damaged, lost, or stolen will not be replaced or paid for by LCPS. This information is published in the LCPS Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and in the LCPS Employee Handbook.

19 Personalized Learning at Sycolin Creek
Personalized Learning (PL) is dynamically tailoring learning experiences to students’ strengths, needs, and/or interests. A PL approach supports PBL and One to the World by encouraging the following: access to significant content for students who may have learning gaps. challenges for students who have shown basic mastery; and relevance for all students as their interests help shape the direction of meaningful contributions to the world. General Notes With careful classroom design and the addition of technology resources, we will focus on class time on meeting the needs of each student through small group/individual time and the use of digital programs which adapt to each student’s strengths and areas in need of improvement. Classes will get 15 Chromebooks. Core Four Flexible Content and Tools – Instructional materials that allow for differentiated path, pace, and performance tasks. Targeted Instruction – Instruction aligns to specific student needs and learning goals. Student Reflection and Ownership – Ongoing student reflection promotes ownership of learning. There will be opportunities for students to make decisions about how and what they learn. With ownership in their learning, engagement increases and academic results improve. Data Driven Decisions – Frequent data collection informs instructional decisions and groupings.

20 Helpful apps/websites to download
These are found on the Sycolin Creek Website, under Student Launch page. You can also create a link from this page on your child’s desktop.

21 Google Classroom We will use it A LOT!
Students can access it at school and at home. It is to be used only for school use. The log-in can be accessed through LCPSGo. Students will join 3 different classrooms within Google Classroom. Reading/Writing and homeroom, Math and Science.

22 Support our school Join the PTA
Recycle ink cartridges, Elmer glue sticks Submit company labels from food for schools and box tops Watch Dogs (More information to follow) Volunteer

23 House Keeping Snack (keep it healthy!) (we are peanut/tree nut free in this classroom!) Please notify me of any changes in transportation or contact information If you need to get in touch with me throughout the day, please me.

24 Questions?

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