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Election of 1800 Both parties formally nominated tickets

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1 Election of 1800 Both parties formally nominated tickets
Had a POTUS and a VPOTUS candidate Democratic Republicans Thomas Jefferson (73 votes) Aaron Burr (73 votes) Had advantage due to the 3/5 Clause Federalists John Adams (65 votes) Charles Pinckney (64 votes) Tie is broken in the House of Representatives Alexander Hamilton influences the outcome against Burr 36th Ballot

2 Judiciary Act of 1801 Passed during lame duck session
Federalist still had majority until inauguration of Jefferson Added new posts for Federal judges Midnight Judges Appointments approved by Federalist Senate Shrunk the size of the Supreme Court form 6 to 5 William Marbury Strong federalist, appointed Justice of the Peace by Adams Marbury and numerous new appointees never received their Commissions

3 Marbury v. Madison Marbury files a petition for his commission
Needs this to become a Justice of the Peace Able to do this due to the Judicial Act of 1789 Chief Justice John Marshall Determines that Secretary Madison is legally responsible to send Marbury his commission Could not force Madison to do this however Claimed the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconstitutional Judicial Review Allows the Supreme Court to determine legislation unconstitutional

4 Jefferson Administration
Cabinet Vice President: Aaron Burr Secretary of State: James Madison Secretary of the Treasury: Albert Gallatin 12th Amendment Expansion of the country Act Prohibiting Slavery (1806) Outlawed importation of new slaves beginning in 1808 Foreign Issues Impressment of Sailors Trade embargo (1807) Barbary War ( )

5 Undoing of Hamiltonian Policies
Repealed the Alien and Sedition Act Jefferson and Gallatin began to cut back on Federalism Eliminated excise taxes and closed down numerous offices Minimized the size of the Army and Navy Tried and failed to abolish the BUS Gallatin convinces Jefferson it’s necessary

6 Louisiana Purchase (1803) Jefferson wanted the Port of New Orleans
Was willing to buy it for $10 million Napoleon sells the entire Louisiana Purchase for $15 million Less than 3 cents per acre Nearly doubles the size of the U.S. Issue of what to do with the enslaved population

7 Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804-1806)
Merriweather Lewis and William Clark Louisiana Territory needed to be explored Wanted to find a Northwest Passage to the Pacific as well Escorted by friendly natives along the way Sacagawea Discovered new plants, breeds, fossils, seeds, etc. Opened trade with new Indian tribes Opened a pathway for the Oregon Trail

8 Aaron Burr Essex Junto North feared losing influence with the Louisiana Purchase Some considered secession, needed NY for this to work Wanted Burr to run for NY Governor Hamilton took to the newspapers to publicly criticize Aaron Burr Burr loses the Governorship Challenges Hamilton to a duel

9 Hamilton/Burr Duel (1804) Weehawken, New Jersey Both men fire
Hamilton intentionally misses Burr hits Hamilton in the abdomen Hamilton dies the next day Burr flees down to Georgia Charges later dismissed Accused of treason in 1806 Allegedly attempted to take over land in the Louisiana Territory and Mexico with James Wilkerson

10 Jefferson Administration Videos
Thomas Jefferson and His Democracy – Crash Course Judicial Review – Crash Course The Historical Audacity of the Louisiana Purchase – Ted-Ed The True Story of Sacajawea – Ted-Ed

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