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2 PETER Lesson 7.

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1 2 PETER Lesson 7

2 purpose 3:18 Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Why would this be important for US with the mockers of today? TRUTH disproves false/error TRUTH dispels fear TRUTH is absolute and inerrant TRUTH is only found in Christ and His Word

3 2 peter 3 divided Vs. 1-7 Peter’s purpose for writing and the mockers/scoffers Vs The promise will be fulfilled with the day of the Lord/God Vs “Therefore”..Peter instructs believers on how to live

4 God’s word The only prevention against false doctrine is to remember the Word of God vs. 2 What had Peter said previously about God’s Word? Precious and magnificent promises 1:4 Escape corruption by those promises 1:4 Recipients had been established in the truth already 1:12

5 God’s word The prophetic Word is sure, which includes the promise of His coming 1:19 Holy Spirit moved men to write God’s prophecy 1:21 OT examples in Chapter 2 were given Words Jesus spoke, as well as the apostles were the Word of God 3:2 Created the world and destroyed it 3:5,7

6 2 peter 3:3-7 mockers Mockers/scoffers WILL come vs. 3
(Heb. 1:2 in these LAST DAYS God has spoken to us in His Son: Last days began with Jesus’ coming) They live by their sensual desires or lusts vs. 3 They mock the promise of His 2nd coming vs. 4 They treat God’s Word lightly vs. 5-6 They live according to their own desires vs. 3

7 Cross references 1st and 2nd coming
2 Pet. 1:17-18 Peter SAW Jesus in His glory Heb. 2:9 Jesus became flesh and blood to taste death for all Heb. 9:27-28 Jesus was the sin offering Heb. 9:27-28 Jesus will appear a second time for salvation, to rescue the righteous Acts 1:10-11 He will come again just like He left the first time Matt. 25:31-36 He will come the 2nd time as Judge

8 error Mockers deny coming judgment vs. 4-6
False teachers speak arrogant words of vanity and entice those who barely escape from the ones who live in error 2:18 Destructive heresies are introduced 2:1 Jesus death on the cross, paying for sin – hence “buying” them with His life, is denied 2:1 Truth is maligned 2:2

9 Genesis 1:1-10 God spoke: there was light
God spoke: separation of light from darkness God spoke: He named them Day and Night God spoke: separation of waters above & below God spoke: He named the expanse Heaven God spoke: separation of water below heavens God spoke: He named it Earth and Seas

10 2 Peter 3:7-8 BY HIS WORD: Only His Word…what power
“The present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of UNGODLY MEN” – mockers Rev. 21:1 Don’t let this escape your notice (vs. 5 & 8) What is the contrast?

11 2 peter 3:8-9 Mockers DO let it escape their notice that God DID create and destroy the earth by His word Christians: do NOT let it escape your notice that only His word is preventing the destruction of the heavens and the earth, and judgment God is not bound by time 1,000 years seems like eternity to us God’s patience means salvation

12 2 Peter 3:10-13 Day of the Lord WILL come, like a thief
Heavens and earth WILL pass away with fire These things WILL be destroyed in this way We, then, should live holy and godly lives vs. 11 We, then, should be looking for and hastening the coming day of God vs

13 2 peter 3:14-18 Therefore: since you ARE looking….
#1 Be diligent to be found in…. #2 Regard the patience of our Lord as salvation #3 Be on your guard so you aren’t carried away by error and fall #4 Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ: the only protection from error

14 Application It is by believing the precious and magnificent promises of the Word that one can become a partaker of the divine nature. The evidence will be a life in which the qualities are practiced.

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