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Find your seat indicated on the top corner of your index card

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1 Find your seat indicated on the top corner of your index card
Students, Find your seat indicated on the top corner of your index card Write your name on your index card Last Name, First Name Write the name of the math class that you took last year on your index card. Take out a sheet of paper and answer the following questions: 1. Identify the slope and y-intercept of the following functions. 2. How can these functions be graphed.

2 Syllabus Information Precalculus

3 Textbook and Materials
Precalculus With Limits by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards – required on a nearly daily basis 2 Spiral Notebooks – 1 for notes and classwork and 1 for homework (minimum of 150 sheets), graph paper Graphing Calculator (TI-83 recommended)

4 General Description of the Course:
Trigonometry uses the techniques that students have previously learned from the study of Algebra 1, Algebra II, and Geometry. The trigonometric functions studied are defined geometrically rather than in terms of algebraic equations. Facility with these functions as well as the ability to prove basic identities regarding them is especially important for students intending to study calculus, more advanced mathematics, physics and other sciences in college.

5 Grading Scale Grade Breakdown Classwork/HW 15% Tests/ Quizzes 50%
Midterm/ Final 30% Notebook/ DNA 5% A 90% -100% B 80% - 89% C 70% - 79% D 60% - 69% F below 60%

6 Spiral notebooks will be used for the DNA’s, notes, and classwork.
Classwork and Homework: Classwork and homework will be checked daily, and collected at the end of each month. It is the student’s responsibility to keep and maintain their homework. Loss of the homework calendar is the student’s responsibility and if not made-up, the student will receive no credit. Spiral notebooks will be used for the DNA’s, notes, and classwork. is a good resource. This website contains solutions to odd-numbered problems. Quizzes and Tests: Quizzes will be given as time allows. Tests will be given approximately every 10 days as we complete each chapter. Test retakes may be available for certain units.

7 Slope of a Line (steepness)
1. Find the slope between the following points.

8 Equations of Lines Point – Slope Form slope a point
1) Find an equation of the line that passes through the point (3, -7) and has a slope of 2. 2) Find an equation of the line that passes through the points (4, -2) and (7, 0).

9 Slope – Intercept Form

10 Graph the following linear functions.

11 Parallel Lines: two non-vertical lines with the SAME slope
Perpendicular Lines: two non-vertical lines whose slopes are Negative Reciprocals of each other.

12 7) Find the slope-intercept form of the equation of the line that passes through the point (-4, 1) and is parallel to the line 8) Find the slope of the line that is perpendicular to the line



15 Ex 4) The net sales for a car manufacturer were $14.61 billion in 2005 and $15.78 billion in Write a linear equation giving the net sales y in terms of x, where x is the number of years since Then use the equation to predict the net sales for 2007.

16 Solve the following equations.
1) 2) 4) 3) 5)

17 Think – Pair - Share Think – Complete a group of assigned problems.
Pair – Move your desk next to your assigned partner. Share – Compare your solutions with your partner. Decide if yours and your partner’s solutions are correct.

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