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Steps in Deciding a Major Case

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Presentation on theme: "Steps in Deciding a Major Case"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps in Deciding a Major Case

2 Submitting Briefs After the Court accepts a case, the lawyers submit a brief Brief – A written statement setting forth the legal arguments, relevant facts, and precedents supporting one side of the case Parties not directly involved in the case, but have an interest in the case, may also submit a written brief (Amicus Curiae)

3 Oral Arguments After briefs are filed, lawyers from each side present arguments Each side is allowed 30 minutes to summarize the key points of its case Justices often interrupt, challenging statements or asking for further information

4 Conference Following the Arguments, the nine justices meet with no other people in the room For several hours the justices debate the case, no meeting minutes are kept They all give input as to how they would rule in the case, then they vote If there is a tie, the lower court ruling stands

5 Opinion When the vote is final the justices write opinions
The main argument for the winning side is the Majority Opinions Agreement with the Majority Opinion is called the Concurring Opinion Disagreement with the Majority Opinion is called the Dissenting Opinion The Majority Opinion is always written

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