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With your host: (Fearnley)

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Presentation on theme: "With your host: (Fearnley)"— Presentation transcript:

1 With your host: (Fearnley)
(WWI) Edition With your host: (Fearnley)

2 Vocab to Know People, Places, & Things Thinkers & Doers Match That Major Events of the Day 100 200 300 400 500

3 Vocab to Know- 100 Devotion to one’s is also known as

4 Vocab to Know- 100 What is Nationalism

5 Vocab to Know- 200 What was the area between the trenches known as?

6 Vocab to Know- 200 What is No Man’s Land

7 Vocab to Know- 300 Germany’s plan for fighting France and Russia was called

8 Vocab to Know- 300 What is The Schlieffen Plan

9 Vocab to Know- 400 Limiting consumption of the resources and goods necessary for the war effort

10 Vocab to Know- 400 What is rationing

11 Vocab to Know- 500 What is the First Battle of Somme

12 Vocab to Know- 500 began July 1, 1916 and lasted until mid-November – the British suffered 60,000 casualties the first day

13 People, Places, & Things- 100
The Central Powers consisted of Germany, Austria and?

14 People, Places, & Things- 100
What is Ottoman Empire

15 People, Places, & Things- 200
What spark the ignited the start of the war? CHECK

16 People, Places, & Things- 200
Assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand

17 People, Places, & Things- 300
When signing the Treaty of Versailles, which side controlled the conference?

18 People, Places, & Things- 300
Allied Powers

19 People, Places, & Things- 400
Blacksmith from Tennessee, originally sought an exemption from the war as a Conscientious Objector

20 People, Places, & Things- 400
Who is Alvin York

21 People, Places, & Things- 500
The November 1916 election was between these two individuals

22 People, Places, & Things- 500
Who is Woodrow Wilson and Charles Evans Hughes

23 Thinkers & Doers- 100 This document ended World War 1

24 Thinkers & Doers- 100 What is the Treaty of Versailles

25 Thinkers & Doers- 200 Which country made the first declaration of war?

26 Thinkers & Doers- 200 What is Austria

27 Thinkers & Doers- 300 Won a close election using the slogan, “He kept us out of war

28 Thinkers & Doers- 300 Who us Woodrow Wilson

29 Thinkers & Doers- 400 George Creel lead this agency
You will have to move the Daily Double picture out of the way to write the question. If you do not wish to have the Daily Double in the game, delete it and the sound clip (speaker) from this slide. For a Daily Double, the contestant has to wager at least $5 and at most the highest point value of any player/team at that point in the game. It is considered a True Daily Double if they wager all of their points and go “double or nothing”.

30 Thinkers & Doers- 400 What is Committee on Public Information (CPI)

31 Thinkers & Doers- 500 What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on World War 1?

32 Thinkers & Doers- 500 The addition of new technology added to different war tactics

33 Match That- 100 World War 1 began in what year?

34 Match That- 100 What is 1914

35 Match That- 200 The “Big Four” were from these countries:

36 Match That- 200 England, USA, France, England

37 Match That- 300 Trench warfare began in this country

38 Match That- 300 What is France

39 Match That- 400 Woodrow Wilson created a plan for achieving peace to end World War 1, how many points were included in this plan?

40 Match That- 400 What is 14

41 Match That- 500 Britain and France wanted Germany to do these three things following their surrender.

42 Match That- 500 Germany to accept full blame, pay reparations, lose all overseas colonies

43 Major Events of the Day- 100
The U.S. would be in WWI until it’s end in

44 Major Events of the Day- 100
November 1918

45 Major Events of the Day- 200
By the end of 1914, not only Europe was at war, but also all of Europe’s colonies in

46 Major Events of the Day- 200
Asia, Africa and South America.

47 Major Events of the Day- 300
WWI was the first major war to use ______________

48 Major Events of the Day- 300
chemical weapons

49 Major Events of the Day- 400
The German army was reduced to how many troops, warships, submarines, and war equipment?

50 Major Events of the Day- 400
100,00 troops, 6 warships, no submarines, and count not manufacture war equipment

51 Major Events of the Day- 500
High unemployment & desire for revenge would lead what events, post WWI?

52 Major Events of the Day- 500
aggressive dictators in the 1920s & 1930s

53 CATEGORY: ________Total War________________
FINAL JEOPARDY CATEGORY: ________Total War________________

54 FINAL JEOPARDY Of the 4 M.A.I.N. reasons for the cause of WWI, which factor contributed most to the outbreak of WWI?

55 FINAL JEOPARDY Militarism Alliance System Imperialism Nationalism

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