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Presentation on theme: "FEBRUARY BELL RINGER PROMPTS"— Presentation transcript:


2 February 1st, List 5 Part 2 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. Plausible(adj.)- believable Sample Sentence: Her reason for being late to work was plausible because her boss had seen her beat-up old car and wasn’t surprised that it had broken down in the middle of her commute. Now write your own original sentence using the word plausible correctly (part of speech and context). Do not include the definition in your sentence. Sample Sentence: Her reason for being late to work was plausible because her boss had seen her beat-up old car and wasn’t surprised that it had broken down in the middle of her commute. Consensus(noun)- general agreement Sample Sentence: The friends reached a consensus on where to eat for dinner; Fiesta Mexico was loved by them all. Now write your own original sentences using the words plausible and consensus correctly (part of speech and context).

3 List 5 Part 2 Continued... Consensus(noun)- general agreement
Sample Sentence: The friends reached a consensus on where to eat for dinner; Fiesta Mexico was loved by them all. Now write your own original sentence using the word consensus correctly (part of speech and context). Do not include the definition in your sentence.

4 List 5 Part 2 Continued... Substantiated (verb)- supported or established by evidence or proof. Sample Sentence: Her excuse for her homework being late was substantiated by the picture of her dog tearing her work into bits. Now write your own original sentence using the word substantiated correctly (part of speech and context).

5 List 5 Part 2 Continued... Insipid(adj.)- flavorless; dull or unexciting; lifeless. Sample Sentence: The debate turned out to be insipid since few of the students completed their preparatory questions. Now write your own original sentence using the word insipid correctly (part of speech and context). Do not include the definition in your sentence.

6 List 5 Part 2 Continued... exculpate (verb)- to free from guilt or blame. Sample Sentence: Despite the fact that her client was in fact culpable for the crime of theft, it was the lawyer’s job to do everything possible to exculpate her client. Now write your own original sentence using the words exculpate correctly (part of speech and context).

7 February 2nd, 2016 Directions: Write down each of the following sentences and add the needed punctuation. In front of the long columns of troops on the field the general introduced his successor If you were to offer her another opportunity do you think she would accept your invitation Chosen by secret ballot Professor Watkins immediately took charge of the committee

8 February 3rd, 2016 Writer’s Notebook: Since we are having a test tomorrow (Thursday), we are going to take our Therapeutic writing time a day early. Write about a topic of your choice for the next 5 minutes. Be sure your response is at least ½ a page.

9 February 8th, 2016 Get out your Vocab List 5 sentences (starts with “brusque” and ends with “exculpate”). We will start class with a vocab review!

10 February 11th, 2016 Directions: Write down each of the following sentences and add the needed punctuation. His record I suppose should be a factor in the case I must however admit that I was surprised She tried in fact to contact the owner several times Anita who had arrived late to class was the first to leave when the bell rang.

11 FEBRUARY 17th, 2016 ALL CLASSES List 6 Part 1
Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. Haughty (adjective)- arrogant, excessively proud or vain. Sample Sentence: Her haughty attitude kept her from making many new friends. Quandary(noun.)- a state of uncertainty or perplexity. Sample Sentence: Jed was in a quandary after being asked to the Sadie Hawkins dance by two different girls. *Don’t put away your list. There are 3 more words…

12 List 6 Part 1 CONTINUED… Pertinent (adjective)- pertaining to or relating directly and significantly to the matter at hand; relevant. Sample Sentence: Since the student’s question about Elvis’ death was not pertinent to the class discussion regarding connotative diction, the teacher said she would address the question at the end of class. Convoluted (adjective)- highly involved or intricate. Sample Sentence: The process for applying to colleges can be so convoluted that many resort to the “common application” to help them apply to multiple schools. *Don’t put away your list. There is 1 more word…

13 List 6 Part 1 CONTINUED… Frenetic(adjective)- fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way. Sample Sentence: The way he danced was frenetic and drew a lot of churlish looks at the dance. His date, however, was happy his moves weren’t insipid. In fact, she found him quite winsome! For her there was no quandary; she would not mimic her pecksniffian friends and would buck the status quo by joining in the free-style dancing. Now write your own original sentences using the words haughty, quandary, pertinent, convoluted, and frenetic correctly (part of speech and context).

14 February 18th, 2016 Writer’s Notebook: It’s Therapeutic Thursday! Write about whatever is on your mind. Keep it school appropriate (PG) and make your response at least ½ a page long.

15 February 19th, 2016 Read the passage “Human Intelligence” and then answer the questions on the scantron! When you are done, you may get on your phone, but please remain quiet!

16 FEBRUARY 22nd, 2016 List 6 Part 2 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Dogged (adj)- persistent, stubbornly determined, refusing to give up Sample Sentence: She was dogged in her efforts to finish her grading before progress reports were due, staying up all night and rising early the next morning. Now write your own original sentence using the word dogged correctly (part of speech and context).

17 List 6 Part 2 Continued... Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Austere(adj)- of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor Sample Sentence: My Uncle Leon is very austere when you first meet him due to his perfectly trimmed white beard and 6 foot 7 inch height. Now write your own original sentence using the word austere correctly (part of speech and context).

18 List 6 Part 2 Continued... Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Caustic(adj)- harsh or corrosive in tone. Sample Sentence: Her caustic reply left him feeling ashamed of what he had said about her outfit. Now write your own original sentence using the word caustic correctly (part of speech and context).

19 List 6 Part 2 Continued... Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Cynical (adj)- believing the worst of human nature and motives. Sample Sentence: Because of his past experiences, he was extremely cynical when it came to expecting others to act in kindness. Now write your own original sentence using the word cynical correctly (part of speech and context).

20 List 6 Part 2 Continued... Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Anachronism (noun)- something or someone out of place in terms of historical or chronological context. Sample Sentence: Though wearing large, extravagant hats is usually an anachronism these days, on Derby Day it is the popular thing to do. Now write your own original sentence using the word anachronism correctly (part of speech and context).

21 FEBRUARY 23rd, 2016 Find the “Socratic Seminar Self-Assessment Participant” sheet in the packet you were given as you came in the door. Review the statements on the sheet. Put a check mark next to one statement that you are confident about going into the debate. Put a star next to one statement that you think is an area of growth for you. Put a question mark next to one statement that you have a question about.

22 February 25th, 2016 Get out your socratic seminar materials. We will finish our debate first. Be ready to turn in all of your debate materials at the end of the debate. These materials include: -any notes you took in preparation for the debate -your socratic seminar packet

23 February 25th, 2016 2nd only We need to be good citizens and read the school paper! Read 2 articles of your choice and then write your Therapeutic Thursday entry. Include in your response a reaction to the articles you read.

24 February 26th, 2016 1st only Read the passage “Human Intelligence” and then answer the questions on the scantron! When you are done, you may get on your phone, but please remain quiet!

25 February 26th, 2016 2nd block ?

26 February 26th, 2016 4th, 6th We need to be good citizens and read the school paper! Read 2 articles of your choice and then write your “Therapeutic” Friday entry. Include in your response a reaction to the articles you read. You can also write about whatever is on your mind. Keep it school appropriate and make it ½ a page.

27 February 29th, 2016 Get out your list 6 words. We will be reviewing for tomorrow’s vocab quiz!!!

28 FEBRUARY 26TH, 2015 Write down the following words, their parts of speech and definitions. After each word, leave a 2-3 blank lines for an original sentence. Acquiesce (verb)- to submit or comply silently without protest; agree; consent Sample Sentence: When the teacher asked the student to change his seat, he quickly acquiesced because he knew he would work more productively in the new location. Now write your own original sentence using the word acquiesce correctly (part of speech and context).

Writer’s Notebook: How did you get your name? Tell as much as you know about how you got your name and any history, meanings, stories behind it. Then, discuss how you feel about your name. Do you like it? Why or why not? If you could change it, would you and what would you change it to? Have you ever named someone (a sibling or grandparent perhaps) or something (a pet, a toy, etc)? How did you come up with the name? If you have kids someday, do you have any names or kinds of names in mind for them?


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