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Common Core Standards:

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1 Common Core Standards:
Thursday, February 7th, 2019 Common Core Standards: RI RI , and SL Aim: How do we examine a primary source of the slave’s experience and identify a theme? Do Now: Answer one of the following questions. 1.) What are your first impressions of Booker T. Washington’s experiences in Up From Slavery? 2.) What can you predict will be revealed next in Booker T. Washington’s experiences in Up From Slavery? *Show any owed HW. Objective: Students will be able to identify a theme in a slave’s memoir.

2 Common Core Standards: RI.11-12.1 RI.11-12.2, and SL.11-12.1
Thursday, February 7th, 2019 Aim: How do we examine a primary source of the slave’s experience and identify a theme? Objective: : Students will be able to identify a theme in a slave’s memoir. Agenda A.) Do Now: Turn and talk with your tablemates. Captains will prepare to share their tablemates’ answers with the whole class. B.) Discuss/Share: Captains will share Do Now answers. C.) Work Period: Read the rest of the first chapter of Booker T. Washington’s Up From Slavery: An Autobiography. Choose a theme (a pattern or the author’s message established in the first chapter). Identify two pieces of evidence (passages/quotes from the text) to support your chosen theme. Be ready to integrate this information in a reader’s response. D.) Q & A/Reflections: How did you identify a theme from the slave’s narrative? How did you access textual evidence to support your chosen theme?

3 Word of the Week 10 Keyword: TBD Information: TBD Memory Clues:
Date: Word of the Week 10 Keyword: TBD Information: TBD Memory Clues:

4 Comprehension Check: How well you understand the tasks today: Themes in a slave’s narrative SELF-ASSESS: How easy/ difficult was that task?

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