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How to support your child at home

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1 How to support your child at home
The Trumpington Federation How to support your child at home Thursday 27th September 2018

2 The Trumpington Federation
Year 1 - Housekeeping PE Kits/days Water bottles Clothing – named Reading books and records in school Communication with parents/ carers(website) Punctuality and attendance

3 The Trumpington Federation
Homework/website Mathletics Reading Spelling homework Weekly talk homework. Half termly homework project.


5 The Trumpington Federation
Books Banded books and library books This enhances enjoyment, engagement and a love of reading It exposes children to a large variety of vocabulary Helps build their confidence when reading a wide variety of texts

6 The Trumpington Federation Supporting your child with reading
Promote a love of books Read, read and re-read! Real books Find a good time of day and make it a routine Reading for a purpose Reading records

7 The Trumpington Federation
Reading Records It can be ANYTHING that they read. It can be read by the child or by a sibling or by a grown up. 1 box per day Stickers ‘Good sounding out’, ‘tried hard with tricky words’, ‘We found a new word ____’

8 The Trumpington Federation Expectations at the end of Year 1
Independence in learning Who is responsible for their learning?

9 The Trumpington Federation Phonics Screening Check
1:1 assessment with class teacher Takes place in June Read 40 words – 20 real, 20 nonsense



12 The Trumpington Federation
Things to do at home Solving maths problems – number and shapes in the environment Practising basic skills e.g. counting in 2s, 5s, 10s Reading Writing a diary during holiday periods Writing lists, letters, cards Using and counting money Reading analogue and digital clocks and watches Cooking – weighing and measuring ingredients

13 Questions? Thank you for coming!

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