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1 Further Experiences of Global Temporary Tables in Oracle 8.1 David Kurtz Go-Faster Consultancy Ltd.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Further Experiences of Global Temporary Tables in Oracle 8.1 David Kurtz Go-Faster Consultancy Ltd."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Further Experiences of Global Temporary Tables in Oracle 8.1 David Kurtz Go-Faster Consultancy Ltd.

2 2 Further Experiences of Global Temporary Tables Who am I? What are they? Where did we use them? Why did we want to use them? What benefits did they bring? What were the pitfalls? When could GTTs to improve performance?

3 Resources If you cant hear me say so now. Please feel free to ask questions as we go along. The presentation is available from –Including files for demo –article from Oracle Scene magazine

4 Who am I? DBA –Independent consultant –Performance tuning PeopleSoft –UKOUG Unix SIG

5 What are GT Tables? Permanent objects Content is temporary and private –Session –Transaction No physical attributes –physical, but transient, existence in temporary segment Greatly reduced redo logging

6 Permanent Object Create table statement You can specify –Constraints –Index –Triggers [1.sql]

7 … but not that permanent You cannot specify –Tablespace tablespace_name is null on user_tables –Storage clause values are null on user_tables –Physical attributes but there are default values [2.sql]

8 Data is transient Two forms of GT table: –Delete on commit (default) Data cleared at end of transaction –Preserve on commit Data cleared at end of session [3.sql]

9 Data is private to a session You cannot see data in the same global temporary table that was created by another session. Therefore you cannot pass data between processes via a GT table Unique constraints enforced per table [3b.sql]

10 Statistics on Oracle 8i You can analyze –Implied commit removes data in on commit delete rows GT table –But it doesnt do any good –Any statistics gathered are not retained. You cant gather_stats Temporary Segment overhead –Sizing [4.sql]

11 Statistics on Oracle 9i ON COMMIT PRESERVE GT table –Analyse/Gather statistics collects statistics for current sessions version of table –Only one place for statistics for all session –Same statistics for all sessions –So when should you collect statistics, and based upon what data?

12 sys.dbms_statistics Import previously gathered statistics –run process on normal table –gather statistics –export statistics –recreate table as GT table –import statistics [4b.sql]

13 Quirks Cant drop (or perform any DDL on) GT table if you or anyone else has used it [5.sql] –Cant populate a table and then add an index. –Can Create Table as Select –Cant add index later to an on preserve commit –Unique Constraint in CTAS on preserve commit appears to have a problem.

14 Another Quirk You must not set your default tablespace to a temporary tablespace –if you do you cannot create indexes on global temporary tables –ORA-02195-Attempt to create PERMANENT object in a TEMPORARY tables

15 Yet Another Quirk Try to create GTT as an ORGANIZATION INDEX –ORA-14458: attempt was made to create a temporary table with INDEX organization Thanks to Julian Dyke

16 Yet More Quirks In 8.1.7 and 9.2 can't create a partitioned GTT (why would anyone want to?). In 8.1.7 and 9.2 can create bitmap, reverse, compressed, function based, descending and nosegment indexes on GTTs In 9.2 you can't compress a global temporary table (data segment compression) Thanks to Julian Dyke

17 Bug 1396741 TRUNCATE with REUSE STORAGE option has no effect on a PRESERVE ON COMMIT global temporary table –Oracle 8i (not tested in 9) Works properly without REUSE STORAGE! [6.sql]

18 Benefits Reduction in redo logging –Still some logging for undo information No High Water Marks to worry about –Tables are scanned up to the high water mark –Batch processes often use permanent tables used for temporary storage –Large batch runs raise high water marks

19 Benefits Elimination of Consistent Reads on working storage tables during parallel processing –Many instances of same process Not Parallel Query, nor Parallel Server (nka. RAC) –Each process writes rows to same working storage table –GT guarantees that one block is only updated by one process

20 How much redo is saved? First Experiment –Two tables A normal table and a GT table no indexes 1 character column –Insert different numbers of rows –Insert different lengths of data –Measure redo (v$sysstat)


22 How much redo is saved? Second experiment –A normal table similar to payroll result tables 0, 1, 2 indexes Insert 1000, 10000, 100000 rows into it Measure redo (v$sysstat) –Repeat with GT tables

23 40%-50% saving in redo

24 Case Study 1 Old Swiss payroll system –33000 employees –Complex calculation 890 values / employee / month retained –values appear on pay slip or statutory reporting –intermediate values –iterative calculations –Retrospective

25 Why did we use GT tables? Massive Redo logging volume –24Gb/hr 20 x 500Mb redo logs backup strategy? Archive log writer falling behind, all redo logs requiring archiving

26 Where does the redo logging come from? Lots of values calculated –inserted into tables Drop/Truncate Bug –Base Bug 650614 (internal) Oracle calls kcbcxx() repeatedly. Debug function to make sure no buffers in cache for particular range. Scan time increases with SGA size. Fixed 8.1.4.

27 How many values are calculated? –120 values / employee / month retained Writes 4.5M values (that are retained) –1 permanent result table (2 indexes, was 3) –1 balance table (1 index, will be 2) –770 intermediate values / employee / month Writes 28.5M values (that are discarded) –6 temporary result tables (2 indexes each, was 3) –40 million rows on balance table –(after 9 months)

28 How is payroll calculated? There are 2 ways to do payroll –Process employees sequentially Calculate each rule for each employee –Set processing Rule A+B=C INSERT INTO C(EMPNO, VALUE) SELECT E.EMPNO, A.VALUE+B.VALUE,... FROM tableA, tableB, elig E WHERE A.EMPNO = E.EMPNO AND B.EMPNO = E.EMPNO

29 Background Employee population broken into subsets –14 arbitrary groups (~2700 employees / group) –14 independent processes running in parallel Rule based payroll Too late to change the design Oracle Range Partitioning not effective –Frequent year to date queries

30 Background Indexing exhausted Requirement to keep 18 months data Retrospective nature of payroll 48 x 500Mb redo log switches per hour

31 How did we use GT tables? Converted calculation result tables to GT –Process commits between rules –Temporary (calculation step) result tables Delete on commit Commit flushes temporary result tables between payroll rules –Temporary rule result table Preserve on commit Copied to balance tables at end of calculation for each month

32 What benefits did GT tables bring? Greatly reduced redo logging (60%) –40% less logging on GT tables themselves –Reduced scanning because GT kept small by delete on commit between rules Does not force use of Cost Based Optimiser –(July 1999, Oracle 8.0.6, we needed CBO)

33 60% reduction in redo logging, 55% reduction in execution time

34 Case Study 2 New Swiss Payroll Project –Same company –33000 employees –Sequential Cobol calculation process –Multiple parallel calculation processes Each Process handles range of EMPLID 30 streams Oracle 8.1 - with CBO

35 Issues ORA-1555 on working storage tables –30 Processes updating different rows potentially in the same data block –Up to 30 copies of some data blocks in buffer cache –Huge rollback segment I/O

36 Solution All Working storage tables made GT –Each session has its own physical version of each working storage table –1 version of each block in buffer cache –No consistent reads

37 Range Partitioning Also range partitioned result tables –Physical partition ranges correspond to logical processing ranges –1 processing stream: 1 range partition –Each data block only updated by one and only one process –No consistent reads –Improved data scans within process

38 Quirk Oracle Fixed in –On at least HP-UX and AIX Queries joining two GT tables and a partitioned table Intermittent Partition elimination problem Possible Oracle bug

39 Case Study 3 Financials Batch Processing –Introduction of GT tables initially increased execution times –Different execution plans Added specific hints Faked statistics

40 Benefits of GT Table Reduction in Redo –If poorly designed application Avoidance of Consistent Read –Can help avoid ORA-1555 –Stability High Water Marks Minimal Code Change

41 Pitfalls of GT tables CBO Statistics require special handling –Import Statistics with dbms_stats package –Need to use hints Process not restartable –Feature of application that process can be restarted at last commit prior to a crash –But, GT result tables cleared out at end of session

42 What kind of process is suitable for GT tables? Batch/single threaded processes Temporary work tables –Typically keyed by a process instance –No problem clearing out debris left by failure –Removes the problem of HWM on temp tables extending after an abnormally large run (which typically happens after a failure when the backlog has to be cleared)

43 What is not suitable? Application server processes –In some application servers different requests in same business transaction might be handled by any one of a number of server processes. –Data is local to session Inter-process communication –Data is local to session

44 Final Comments I probably wouldnt use GT tables if designing a system from scratch. –Better not to store transient data in the database in the first place. Useful feature if it is too late to change the design –Packaged Application

45 Any Questions?

46 Advertisment Packaged Application Tuning –Hall 8b –3.55pm

47 Where is the big white table? Server Technology Panel Session –11.55am in Hall 8b

48 48 Further Experiences of Global Temporary Tables in Oracle 8.1 David Kurtz Go-Faster Consultancy Ltd.

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