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Sex In Advertising By: Ellie Lanouette.

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1 Sex In Advertising By: Ellie Lanouette


The product being sold in this advertisement is Alexander Wang’s line of denim for women. The target audience for this ad is women. Probably women in there early 20’s and 30’s. Mostly directed at all women but could be just directed at white women because the model is a white female. The message or value being sold by this ad is, if you wear these jeans they will make you more attractive and they will end up off later in the day/night. There tactic is to use clowning and exaggeration. This means they picture the model in a contorted, foolish or unrealistic position for a normal person. They are also using irrelevant sexualisation to sell their product. The message is if you but these pants they will make you more desired by men and more sexually attractive I completely disagree with this message. People/women are not buying pants with the hope of getting sexualized. They are buying these pants because they make them feel good. The aspect of human sexuality that is being appealed to is physical, biological and emotional sexuality. They are implying that the woman had been raped. Her pants were around her ankles and she was gripping the chair arms. This was how it appealed to the emotional and physical side She did not have a face of enjoyment, she looked to be in some sort of discomfort. That is also how it appealed to the emotional side. This is a negative portrayal of sexuality. The woman appeared to have been raped. She was photographed completely naked except for the pants around her ankles, not covering her “private parts”. She was clowned and exaggerated and irrelevantly sexualized.


5 MEN IN A SEXUAL MANNER The product being sold in this advertisement is Kraft Salad Dressing. This was part of the “Zesty” line of the dressings. The target audience of this ad would be cooks. Mainly people that cook in a household, mainly women. Probably more towards adults because they do the most cooking in a household. Not directed at any specific race or culture. The underlying message or value of this advertisement is being a good cook will bring you a man’s attention. The ad is showing women that by using this salad dressing and bringing it to an attractive man he will find you attractive. They are using male approval to get women to buy this product. The women are receiving the approval of a male and that is their achievement. I disagree with this message. When women go to the store they are most likely recognizing the salad dressing because of the man but not picking it out because they want the man to want them. Women pick out salad dressing because they like that type or because of the flavor. The type of sexuality being appealed to in this advertisement is physical and biological . This is because they are using a man to attract woman to the product. This man is physically attractive and they know that and use it to their advantage. This appeals to the biological side because they hope the hormones of women will take over when picking out the dressing. This is a negative portrayal of sexuality because of the way the man was pictured in the poses with no clothes and the other with his legs spied open. Men don’t do this on a normal day to indulge in food this is an exaggeration.


The product being sold in this ad is Dolce and Gabbana apparel. The target audience is men and women in their late teens to there late 20’s. This is an ad directed at people with a high socio-economic level, as this brand is often expensive. The models in this ad are white, and usually are, so I would say it is more directed towards the white or Caucasian population. The underlying message of this ad is subliminal. The message is that if you wear these clothes men will listen to you and they will give you the power of having men listen to you. I completely disagree with this message. Clothes do not give men nor do they give women any power. They may make you feel good for certain reasons but in a relationship you should be equal partners and not have a dominant partner. The aspects of human sexuality that are being appealed to are physical. This is because this does not appeal to any hormones like biological does nobody wants to be overpowered by a man or woman. They are using physical harm to sell clothes. This is a negative portrayal of sexuality and is shown in Part 3, Question 12.

8 PART 2 The women in this ad are in a position of forcing the man to do a certain task. The women appear to be scolding the men for something they did wrong. Most likely a form of infidelity due to the fact that they have no clothes on. The men in this ad are being bossed around or scolded in some form. Again most likely for some form of infidelity. In the foreground of this ad you see 2 men and 3 women, the men being scolded and the women doing the scolding. The background of this ad shows a wall which looks like the setting is in a closed off room with no windows and some sparkly chairs. This background is sending a message indicating that this is some form of “torture chamber.” Juxtaposition is used to convey the meaning in this ad is that the women feel powerful in these clothes. These men were possibly unfaithful or drugged into this “torture chamber” where they were de-clothed and forced around by women who appear to look like mannequins. There is a definite role reversal in in this ad, imagine if the men were in the place of the women that would be considered gang rape. The men and women aren’t placed near any specific objects but they are placed in certain compromised positions, indicating some force is being used.

9 PART 3 The people active in this ad are both the men and the women. Active meaning they are both standing. The women definitely have more of a dominant role. The women are controlling the men. The men are not active. The are being controlled, dominated and overpowered by the women and appear to have either done something wrong or they have been drugged. The men are definitely more erotized than they women. For the obvious reason that they men are completely naked and the women are fully clothed. They are also posed in some less than comfortable positions. The message that you receive about this relationship is that the women are the more dominant partners. They have the control and if you do something wrong there with be a consequence. The women are made out to be mean people who boss the other partner around. The women most definitely have the power. There is definite superiority and domination. They are dominating the men in this situation, whether they be drugged or unfaithful. This situation is a sort of “role reversal” and is quite wrong. This is an absolute negative depiction of sexuality and relationships they have one partner dominating the other, the men are completely naked and the women are fully clothed. They are telling people that see magazines and other print ad locations that this form of behavior is allowed or okay and it is not by any means.


11 AN EGALITRIAN COUPLE The product being sold in this ad is Tiffany and Co. wedding rings. The target audience for this ad are men and women who are looking to get married, are married, etc. This is more directed to people between the ages of 20-40, but really anyone. This is not really cultural or racial, anyone can get married. This is probably more directed at a straight couple, with a high socio-economic level because of the price of these rings. The underlying message of this ad s obvious. They want people to believe that if they buy these wedding rings they will find a long lasting, happy love that will last forever. This couple is not portrayed in an offensive manner. I agree with the message of love. They are sending an accurate portrayal of a couple on there wedding day. If you are marrying someone you love you will achieve this. The message of the bride laughing and the groom smiling reflects the message on the side and that gives it truth. The aspect of human sexuality that is being appealed to would be emotional. It appeals to the emotional side because it is showing a bond between two individuals. It demonstrates the expression of feelings. This is a positive portrayal of sexuality and is as well shown in Part 3, Question 12.

12 PART 2 The woman in this ad is standing and looking towards the camera laughing. She is obviously a newlywed and is very happy with the man that she is with. The man in this ad is staring lustfully at his new wife, he is holding her bouquet and he is grabbing her around the waist not near her buttocks and without much force. In the foreground of this advertisement there is the newlywed couple and they are on a building’s balcony. In the background of this ad there is a cityscape. The couple was either married in the city or they came to take pictures with this background. The juxtaposition is used in this ad to convey the message that if you buy these wedding rings for your bride you will get married and have love forever. There isn’t the normal “third picture” for this ad other than this. The man and the women aren’t placed near any obvious objects that convey a certain message other than that the couple is getting married, you can see that by the wedding dress and the tux. You can also tell by the bouquet.

13 PART 3 7. The man and the woman are both active. They are both standing up and engaged in the events that are occurring. Not one of them is in a passive position. 8. The man and the woman are both active. 9. The man nor the woman is more erotized. Obviously the man has more clothes covering his body than the woman but the norm for wedding dresses is exactly what the woman had on. 10. The message you receive about this relationship is that they are happy. The women is not seeking the males approval. There is no superiority of domination in this relationship. They don’t appear to be seeking this either. This relationship is not exaggerated. This is quite a “normal couple”, whether they be gay, straight or a lesbian couple. 11. This couple doesn’t seem to have power roles. The man and the woman appear to be equal partners. 12. This is a positive depiction of sexuality and relationships. This is showing people that they can find the one person they want to spend the rest of their lives with. This relationship is a depiction of one that is fair and equal and that sends a good message for the company brand and to true love

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