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Humanism & its Influence on Renaissance Art

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1 Humanism & its Influence on Renaissance Art
Global History & Geography 9R

2 AIM – How did Humanism influence art during the Renaissance?

3 Renaissance Art & Humanism
Background- The period between 1300s – 1500s (The Renaissance) was a time filled with change and creativity in Europe. It was truly a golden age in which the arts, sciences and literature thrived. Humanism- a new way of thinking that concentrated on studying classical texts, human potential, achievements and individual creativity.

4 Humanism & its Effect on Renaissance Art:
The Renaissance period produced some of the greatest paintings, sculptures and architecture in the history of the world. Humanism had a great influence on art, instead of all art focusing on religion and the church, everyday people were depicted in artwork. Humanism allowed artists to express themselves freely and with a sense of individuality. Artists learned the rules of perspective, three dimensional illustration and human anatomy.

5 Leonardo da Vinci Painter, sculptor, inventor, architect, musician & engineer Painted the famous Mona Lisa Sketched plans for flying machines and submarines The original “Renaissance Man”

6 Michelangelo Sculptor, engineer, poet, painter & architect
Sculpted the famous David Painted the famous mural on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

7 Raphael Painter Student of both Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo
Painted many images of the Madonna, mother of Jesus

8 Mona Lisa Artist: Leonardo da Vinci About the Piece: a 16th-century portrait painted in oil by Leonardo da Vinci during the Renaissance Period. Few other works of art have been subject to as much scrutiny, study, mythologizing and parody. The work is owned by the French Government and hangs in the Louvre Museum in Paris, France.

9 The Sistine Chapel Ceiling Mural
Artist: Michelangelo About the Piece: painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, is one of the most renowned artworks of the Renaissance. Central to the ceiling decoration are nine scenes from the Bible of which the Creation of Adam is the most famous.

10 Michelangelo’s David Artist: Michelangelo About the Piece: The Statue of David, sculpted from 1501 to 1504, is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture and one of Michelangelo's two greatest works of sculpture. It is the statue of the young Israelite king David alone that almost certainly holds the title of the most recognizable stone sculpture in the history of art.

11 The Transfiguration Artist: Raphael About the Piece: The upper part of the painting shows the Transfiguration itself on Mount Tabor, with the transfigured Jesus floating in front of softly illuminated clouds, between the prophets Moses and Elijah with whom he is discoursing in the account of Matthew. In the lower part, Raphael depicts the Apostles attempting, unsuccessfully, to free the possessed boy of his demonic possession. They are unable to cure the sick child until the arrival of the recently-transfigured Christ, who performs a miracle.

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