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Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation

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1 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
MTH 210 Strong Induction Dr. Anthony Bonato Ryerson University

2 Example Eg: given a0 = 0, a1 = 4 and ak = 6ak-1-5ak-2
want to show an = 5n-1 for all n ≥ 0

3 Strong Induction same as induction, but assume P(n) is true for ALL values up to a given k. don’t only assume true for k-1 strong induction is really the same as induction, just the induction hypothesis is stated differently

4 Example, continued eg Given a0 = 0, a1 = 4 and ak = 6ak-1 - 5ak-2.
Want to show an = 5n - 1. NOTE: ak depends on two previous values, not just one

5 Exercises

6 Miniconference on the Mathematics of Computation
MTH 210 Counting Dr. Anthony Bonato Ryerson University

7 Independent events two events are independent if they do not interact with each other eg 2-digit numbers first digit is an event, second digit is an event choosing a first digit won’t effect the choice of the second

8 Counting independent events
suppose you have k independent events n1 objects from Event 1 n2 objects from Event 2 n3 objects from Event 3 … nk objects from Event k then the number of objects in every event Is: n1n2 …nk

9 Example, continued 10 possibilities for first digit
10 possibilities for second digits digits are independently chosen so there are 10 x 10 = digit numbers NB: allow “02”, “05”, etc.

10 Pigeonhole principle Idea: more pigeons than holes, then at least one hole has two or more pigeons

11 Pigeonhole property More formal statement:
If you have n+1 objects assigned to n properties, then at least two objects have the same properties

12 Exercises

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