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Fairtrade Sugar Specific Production Indicators

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1 Fairtrade Sugar Specific Production Indicators
MFTCF Workshop 21st July 2016

2 Contents: 1. Preamble 2. Production Indicators – Why?
3. What Indicators? 4. Reporting of Indicators 5. What & How to Report?

3 1. Preamble

4 $ ,000 $ 2,200,000 Rs. 30,000,000 Rs. 80,000,000

5 36% 19%

6 2. Production Indicators – Why?

7 The Fairtrade Standard for Cane Sugar was revised following a review undertaken in 2015
The Production Indicators are part of the revised Standard for Cane Sugar Applicable as from 1st April 2016 “Monitoring production practices facilitates learning processes and enables the introduction of more sustainable practices and competitiveness over time. In addition, this information provides key data to the market.”

8 3. What Indicators?

9 PI’s Volumes & Yields Kill to Mill Interval Use of Inputs
Water Management

10 4. Reporting of Indicators

11 You can use the Fairtrade Reporting Template or use your own material, as long as you provide the necessary information You must report at least once a year on the monitoring indicators Sample or total? Source of information must be disclosed Information must be sent to

12 5. What & How to Report?

13 A. Volumes & Yields To Determine You Will Need TCH TSH TCTS Acreage
Cane Production Sucrose Extraction Rate(s) Sugar 100% SH

14 B. Kill to Mill Interval Here you will need to differentiate between:
Volume of green cane that was milled below / above 96 hours & Volume of burnt cane that was milled below / above 48 hours.

15 C. Use of Inputs Monitoring of fertilizer, herbicide & pesticide usage. Required: Information / Data regarding Soil analysis results Fertilizer, herbicide & pesticide quantities used Basis of application

16 D. Water Management You will mainly be required to
Distinguish between irrigated and rainfed regions Specify the type of irrigation system in place Volume of water used for irrigation Take into consideration the amount of water needed by the various cane varieties for optimum production

17 Advice Exceed expectations

18 Average Fairtrade Sugar Plot Size
Region Average Size (ha) Africa 1.5 South Asia 1.0 South-Eastern Asia 1.3 South America 4.4 Caribbean 3.1 Pacific 3.9 World 2.8

19 Definition of a small planter
““small planter” means a planter cultivating cane over an extent of less than 10 hectares” MCIA Act 2011

20 Any Questions?

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