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#DataMeetingsMadeSimple #StressFree #HavingFunWithData

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Presentation on theme: "#DataMeetingsMadeSimple #StressFree #HavingFunWithData"— Presentation transcript:

1 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple #StressFree #HavingFunWithData
By: Molly Roe and Jessica Smith

2 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Fun Warm Up Activity: Plicker Activity

3 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Rick Wormeli Video Clip:

4 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Assessment Calendar: Setup an Assessment Calendar for the entire school year Establish your monthly data meetings in the calendar Tend to set up our meetings to the middle to end of the month

5 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
What do we need Data Meetings? We need to start thinking more about the data we collect from our students. We need to start making more data driven decisions. Data meetings will help teacher help struggling readers. It will help us intervene and give pre-intervention to students who need it.

6 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
What do we need Data Meetings? We need to make sure we are using the best teaching practices for our students. Data meetings are here to stay and an important process to make improvements with our students. The data meeting process will help us continue to get more of our students on grade level.

7 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Guidelines for Data Meetings Each teacher may bring one student per meeting to discuss. We will update on the students previously brought to data meetings to make sure the implementation process is working for the teacher and student. We will have a watch list that we will make for students that we are truly concerned about, but we didn’t have time to discuss. This information can trickle down into grade level meetings.

8 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Guidelines for Data Meetings Everyone needs to be on board and take these meetings seriously because we have many things to cover and not much time to complete it. I know this is a new step to the program, but we will work out the bumps as we go along so please be patient and flexible. Please make sure your assessment binders are always up-to-date.

9 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Norms Key to get established from the beginning Establishes a working expectation for the time frame Holds everyone accountable

10 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
What are some good norms to establish for your data meetings? Go to this website for an interactive discussion with norms using a Padlet

11 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Sample Schedule: Sample schedule of how we originally setup our data meetings Started with a few grade levels and continued to build on up Rotating subs: teachers appreciated this

12 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Checklist for Teachers: Turn in Data Submission Form Assessment Binder is up-to-date Up-to-date information from previous students Implementation Log is completed

13 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Agenda: Critical need for our teachers for that month Small Group with just a grade level team vs. our PLC time each week What does that data tell your building??

14 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Agenda: What do you need to meet about? Individual students Small groups of students Instructional needs Regroup time Analyze and review data

15 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Format: Step 1: Background: (3 minutes) Describe the academic problem and academic strengths and needs at this time. Step 2: Problem Goal (2 minutes) Target specific areas for which to provide help at this time. Discuss goals for improvement.

16 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Format: Step 3: Strategies (7 minutes) Review and brainstorm the following: Classroom Adaptations Adaptive Accommodations Intervention Options Step 4: Create the Plan (5 minutes) Manageable set of strategies are listed to be implemented for the next month

17 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Format: Step 5: Final Details (3 minutes) Support: Who? How? When? Plan Summary: Person’s responsibilities, when new strategies will be implemented, schedule a follow-up **This was adaptive off of a Jan Hasbrock handout given at a Reading First Training. Jan Hasbrock adapted it from Academic Assitance: Intervention D from Sprick, Sprick, & Garrison, 1993)

18 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Participant Roles: Facilitator: Fosters the discussion Brings out ideas and suggestions from others in the group Helps the group establish and accomplish objectives **Adapted from Reading Lions Center

19 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Participant Roles: Time Keeper 1: Keeps the meetings running on time Sets a timer for the 90 minute duration of the data meeting Announces when 10 minutes are left of the data meeting **Adapted from Reading Lions Center

20 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Participant Roles: Time Keeper 2: Set a timer for each section of the data meeting Give a 1 minute signal for wrap-up for each section **Adapted from Reading Lions Center

21 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Participant Roles: Recorder: Type up the notes during data meetings on provided computer **Adapted from Reading Lions Center

22 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Participant Roles: Engaged Participants: Listens Questions Contributes Commits to specific goals related to student achievement **Adapted from Reading Lions Center

23 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Forms: Data Meeting Submission Form Data Meeting Action Plan Form Data Meeting Reflection Form Data Meeting Implementation Form Student Movement Form

24 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Thoughtful Questions for Data Meetings: What Tier level is the student in? Is the instruction explicit enough for the student? Is the pacing of the instruction correct for the student? Is the intensity of the instruction correct for the student? What assessments have been given to the student?

25 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Thoughtful Questions for Data Meetings: What additional assessments does the student need? Is the student in the correct ability group? Is the student getting services in Tiers daily? Is the student able to stay focused during the lesson? What type of problem is the student having letter naming, decoding, sight words, sounds, fluency, comprehension, etc?

26 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Thoughtful Questions for Data Meetings: Does the student need to move around in grouping? What programs are being used on this student? When is the student having the most difficulties, whole group, small group, Tier time, etc.? Is there a good learning environment during this time? Does the student have test anxiety?

27 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Thoughtful Questions for Data Meetings: How was the testing environment for the student during testing? Did the student struggle last year or did they just start struggling this year? Is the student consistently missing the same thing? How is the student doing on other assessments (like Tier 2, etc.) versus DIBELS?

28 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Instructional Idea Data Meeting:

29 #DataMeetingsMadeSimple
Get Focused Data Meeting: Everyone needs to go to: Enter in this pin number:

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