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Where do you fit in the Mission of God?

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Presentation on theme: "Where do you fit in the Mission of God?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Where do you fit in the Mission of God?
38 Where do you fit in the Mission of God?

2 Introduction Seriously consider your role in carrying out the mission of God

3 Our Responsibility, His Task
God desires all mankind to be part of his mission First, as objects of his love – II Pet.3:9 Next, charged with the Great Commission It is a corporate responsibility – Mt. 28:18-20 But where do you fit? Pray, give, go, mobilize? Local, far away, some combination of the two? Whatever and wherever, keep the world in view We are inadequate, but God produces the results

4 Where Do You Fit? Of first importance is listening to what the Spirit says as you seek God’s face in your devotional life Just as crucial is that you are committed to obey, wherever He leads God speaks to us in many ways His Word is primary Our experiences and the influence of people The testimony of others who have been on mission Our ministry experience to date clarifies our role

5 What Roles? Preachers and Teachers – always vital, but not solely beneficial Marketplace workers every skill of the developed world is needed in the undeveloped world The course of daily life yields opportunities to witness Short-term workers God often uses us in short assignments – so be open! Listen to how others see us fitting into God’s mission Always remember, the mission belongs to God

6 Which People and Place? If God calls you to distant lands, you must still decide “where?” Questions to guide your decision: Which people group needs what you have to offer? How available is the gospel to my different candidate groups? Am I up to the hard conditions that usually surround an unreached people group? Count the cost before you go!

7 Special Kinds of Servants
Prayer warriors – all kinds of prayer, all the time is their calling Enablers Financial – they have a grace gift of acquiring resources and redirecting them into the lives and ministries of missionaries Mobilizing – Passionate enthusiasm for missions that moves others to act Equippers – Teaching and training missionaries in the knowledge and skills essential for effectiveness in the field

8 Are You Willing? The first step is always saying “yes, Lord, I will go” Stay faithful to the responsibilities at hand now. God equips you for the future through faithfulness today God accomplishes His will for right now through your faithful service

9 Conclusion Stay faithful today in order to be useful tomorrow
Your most important task is whatever the Spirit is leading you to do. You have a role!

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