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The Qur’an and the Hadith

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1 The Qur’an and the Hadith
Muslims believe that they should obey Allah, and that Allah’s commandments are written in the Qur’an.

2 Muslims believe that all Allah’s commands are good commands, and that obeying these commands help them to: • Know Allah a little better • Feel close to Allah • To avoid punishment from Allah • Gain favour from Allah • Live in peace with all people • Live better lives in this life and the after-life Allah is so much more than us we can never really ‘know Allah’; hence the phrase…a little better

3 The word Islam means ‘achieving peace through submitting to the will of Allah’.
A Muslim is someone who has submitted to the will of Allah. As our creator, Allah knows us so well, He knows how we ought to live and has given us rules to live accordingly.

4 Why would Muslims get peace following Allah’s commands?
In pairs think about this….

5 Do you have someone whom you admire, or would like to be like?
You often hear people say things like ‘I wish I could be more like this person…’ Sports people are often influenced by their ‘heroes’ and they might try to be like them in their attitude, the way they practice, etc…

6 Task: Write about a person whom you admire and would like to be like.
What is it about them you admire? Do they influence you in any way?

7 The Hadith: means ‘report’ or ‘statement’
Muslims greatly respect Muhammad. Many Muslims believe he is a good example to follow. The things Muhammad did and said are found in a collection of books called the Hadith. These are used to advise Muslims how to act. Muslims with a problem, in any area of life, will look in a Hadith to find out what Muhammad did or said in a similar situation. Muslims do not worship Muhammad. The Qur’an is the most important source for rules, because it is the word of Allah, but…. He is the best example for them on how to live their lives in the way Allah intended

8 Why do you think Muslims need the Hadith if they have the Qur’an.
From where do you get guidance? What sort of guidance is important to you? Do we all need guidance? It provides more explicit guidance on how to live your life. Life is complex! Some things are not covered in the Qur’an so another authority is required.

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