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Small‐molecule‐driven cell‐type enrichment as a model for intestinal differentiation Small‐molecule‐driven cell‐type enrichment as a model for intestinal.

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1 Small‐molecule‐driven cell‐type enrichment as a model for intestinal differentiation
Small‐molecule‐driven cell‐type enrichment as a model for intestinal differentiation Illustration of the small intestinal crypt–villus structure and the organoid culture conditions that are used to enrich for specific cell types.Fluorescence microscopy images of typical mouse small intestinal organoids under different culture conditions. Lgr5+ intestinal stem cells are labeled with GFP, which are ubiquitously present, restricted to the bottom of the crypts and absent in CV, ENR and EN, respectively. * is auto‐fluorescence.Pearson correlations between villus proteome and the different organoid samples when focusing on proteins that are significantly changing between CV, ENR, and EN organoids, where the EN proteome correlates best with the villus proteome. The central line in each boxplot represents the median, the hinges are the first and third quartile, and the whiskers extend to the lowest and highest values within 1.5× the interquartile range from the hinges. Each sample was measured three times.Schematic overview of the multi‐omics approach that was taken to get a system‐wide profile of cell‐type‐enriched organoid cultures. Rik GH Lindeboom et al. Mol Syst Biol 2018;14:e8227 © as stated in the article, figure or figure legend

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