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“Abraham – A Great Man of the Faith!”

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Presentation on theme: "“Abraham – A Great Man of the Faith!”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Abraham – A Great Man of the Faith!”
Hebrews 11:8-10; 17-19


3 The faith of Abraham was not dependent upon the gaze of the world, or the applause of me, but rather, his faith grew in the midst of…

4 PURPOSE: to see why/how Abraham is listed with the great men and women of the faith

5 I Abraham was INSTRUC- TED
A. Instructed Him to Leave Home (Genesis 12:1-4)


7 I Abraham was INSTRUC- TED
A. Instructed Him to Leave Home (Genesis 12:1-4) B. Instructed Concerning a New Covenant

8 Genesis 15:5 Abraham was told to look to the sky and count the stars how that they represent his seed…

9 I Abraham was INSTRUC- TED
A. Instructed Him to Leave Home (Genesis 12:1-4) B. Instructed Concerning a New Covenant C. Instructed to Offer Up His Only Son

10 Certainly, the greatest test Abraham faced was that of offering up Isaac…

11 II Abraham RESPONDS A. Abraham Left His Home
B. Abraham Believed in the Lord

12 Sarah “laughs” at the idea of her having a child… A period of 25 yrs of waiting…

13 II Abraham RESPONDS A. Abraham Left His Home
B. Abraham Believed in the Lord C. Abraham Offered His Son

14 …left the servants behind knowing they would not understand… Isaac (14 yrs old) understood all too well what was happening….

15 Abraham had faith that God was able to raise him up… Faith really is future oriented!

16 III Abraham was REWARD- ED
A. God’s Promises Fulfilled B. Isaac was Spared

17 James 2:23 “And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, ‘And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness,’ and he was called the friend of God.”

18 Conclusion and Summary
…Can there be a greater rank or honor given than to be described in such manner? Yet, this is the very title we all are given the privilege to hold by living a grace responsive life. It was Jesus who said in John 15:14 “You are My friends, if you do whatever I command you.”

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