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MANPOWER Total number of personnel available in an organisation.

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Presentation on theme: "MANPOWER Total number of personnel available in an organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 MANPOWER Total number of personnel available in an organisation.
Work load analysis- number and type of human resources required Work force analysis- number and types of workers available

2 TRAINING Teaching and learning activities of an organisation
To acquire knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes of members

3 OBJECTIVES SMART- specific,measurable,agreed,realistic,timebo und

4 BENEFITS Jobsatisfaction Motivation Efficiency
Ability to adapt changes Innovation Reduced turnover Image Accept challenges

5 ROLE OF TRAINED At individual level Career Earnings Less accident
Morale Status and recognition Performance safety

6 Family Level Living condition Inspires family members Image Family life At organisational level Less wastage,absenteeism,supervision Productivity Meet emergency Quick response Utilisation of resources

7 At national level Increase GDP Better resource utilisation, service to people quality products

8 QUALITY OF LIFE General wellbeing of individuals and societies.
FEATURES Mental,physical and emotional happiness Human welfare based on social factors Financial security,jobsatisfaction,family life,health and safety Water,air,naturalresources,law and order Environmental factors

Economic factors Social factors Education Health Political and cultural Ecological pollution

10 QUALITY OF WORKLIFE Worth of all Tangible and intangible factors in workplace Tangible-amenities and physical conditions Intangible-humanrelations,skill,leadership etc. Features-workplace factors-people as valuable resource-jobrelated-effectiveness of organisation-sound wpork environment

11 QUALITY CIRCLE US-JAPAN-participatory management technique-ideal 8 members Workgroup of employees- meets regularly- to discuss problems-causes-solutions corrective actions.

12 OBJECTIVES Improve quality-method of production- development of employees-promote morale-happy workplace Features Voluntary groups-small size-regular meeting-independent agenda-quality focused

13 mechanism Identify problem-prioritise-analysis-fix solution-prepare action plan-approve action plan-collect feedback Precautions Publicising idea-constitution of quality circle- initial problem solving-presentation and approval of suggestions-implementation


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