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Issues surrounding access

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1 Issues surrounding access
Roles to: Social capital Human capital Knowledge capital

2 Issues surrounding access
The digital divide continues to grow at an alarming rate. Sections of society already connected are adopting newer technologies faster and are connecting even more. Groups with traditionally lower rates for Internet and computer usage continue to lag far behind. According to a study conducted by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), entitled Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide, the gap is widening along already strained economic and racial lines.

3 Roles to Social Capital
Sense of belonging Diversity Citizen power/proactivity Participation Reciprocity Feelings of trust and safety Networks bonding/bridging Values, Norms Outlook in life

4 Roles to Human capital The skills the labour force possesses and is regarded as a resource or asset Relates to investments in people such as education, training, and health increasing that person’s productivity

5 Roles to Knowledge Capital
The intangible asset that represents valuable ideas, methods, processes and other intuitive talents. Experiences and interactions learned over time

6 References Digital Divide. Undated. [Online]. Available at: divide/start.html [Accessed 16 May 2016]. Chen, W The Social Capital Effects: Resources, Tie Strength, & Digital Divides. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2016]. Iorgulescu, R.I Human Capital, The Digital Divide, and the Possible Connection to the Flow-Fund Analysis of Socioeconomic Meatbolism. [Online]. Available at: 01.Volumul%201/01_Iorgulescu%20Raluca.pdf [Accessed 16 May 2016]. The Digital Divide. Undated. Knowledge Capital. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2016].

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