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ERPJewels Jewelex Creations Pvt Ltd, 124C, Mittal Court, Nariman Point,Mumbai 400021, India. Phone : 91-22-56938505.

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Presentation on theme: "ERPJewels Jewelex Creations Pvt Ltd, 124C, Mittal Court, Nariman Point,Mumbai 400021, India. Phone : 91-22-56938505."— Presentation transcript:


2 ERPJewels Jewelex Creations Pvt Ltd, 124C, Mittal Court, Nariman Point,Mumbai 400021, India. Email : Phone : 91-22-56938505.

3 WHAT Is ERPJewels Tool to Extract, Transform (Baan 4 GL) and Load (Visual Basic) info Unique integrated DTS & BI Tool Automatic Analyses Results Generator (PUSH Intelligence) Data Marts & Data Warehouse resident in Baan Tool to maximize ROI in Baan with little investment

4 WHY ERPJewels Need for Multi-Dimensional Analyses Need for integrated and scaleable DTS Need for Graphical Data Representation Insufficient Baan knowledge at Senior user levels (Lot of Data digging avoided) Need for system driven PUSH intelligence rather then user driven PULL intelligence Need for flexible Ad hoc reporting Need for Exception reporting

5 Managers software (Easy to Use) Web enabled output possible with MS Excel (MS Office 9 onwards) Excellent Graphical capability. Pivot Table in MS Excel is an excellent multi-dimensional querying functionality within MS Office. Limitation of MS Excel doesnt apply due to summary nature of output and ETL technology. WHY Excel

6 Other Companies promoting Excel for Business Intelligence Actuate Corps e.Spreadsheet Nobilis Softwares Ci Microsofts soon-to- come Office 11

7 Optionally summary results can be saved in Baan tables after Transform process. BaaN Data Sources 1.ASCII files. 2.BaaN table. 3.BaaN Report. BaaN 4GL Extracted Information Summary Data Marts BaaN 4GL Visual Basic6 Extract Transform Load Excel Output ETL methodology

8 HOW ERPJewels Maximum use of Baans agile data processing Capacity 3 Data sources viz. Baan Report, Baan Table and ASCII file Extract and Transform in Baan 4GL and Load in Visual Basic 6.0 and MS Excel sheet as Output Seamless integration with Baan Job Management

9 HOW ERPJewels [2] 4 Excel based Output format (Excel Summary, Group By,Pivot Table and Save as XLS) + 1 Interface output User Interface capable of handling all requisite data types in single container. Use of Calculated data fields (Date categorization, number classification, text classification etc) Easy hierarchy creation,maintenance and usage

10 System Requirements Baan 4c4 (Any Service Pack) Microsoft Office 2000 (9) or 2002 (10)

11 Functions & Features 3 Data Sources Exception Norms 4 Excel Based output Integral DTS Recognition of unequal period length and non-date time fields by Job management. Recognition of reports printed through user choices and in Job Management Calculated Fields Graphical Output ETL Methodology Backward and forward Integration

12 ERPJewels Hierarchies Hierarchy generation for Parent Child relations in Baan database and Expressions based parent child relations Period Hierarchy based on Baan date field Link of hierarchies to analyses, its validation and usage in output

13 Almost all powerful data processing capacity Data Source with great MIS value requiring virtually no further Transform action in ETL (especially After field layout section) Limited Data dependent font/color changing No Graphical Capability Unable to generate data dependent Columns Limited Aggregate data value manipulations Baan Report As Data Source

14 Peculiarities Of Baan Report Derived Data Source Selection Criteria In-built in Baan Possible one to Many relationship with analyses/output Difficult Data source fields (Report output variables ) Labeling Possible synchronization with Job management Hierarchical relationship between data for natural drill down.

15 Excel Load Clients

16 PUSH Intelligence From date in a session set correct when used in periodic (with unequal number of days) job with the tool Nod-date time indicators like Fiscal period, week etc recognized in Jobs with the tool. Recognition of reports printed through and through user choices in the tool for job scheduling.

17 Data Marts - Need Periodic Archiving / purging of transaction data CPU intensive Analyses Heterogeneous Systems Facilitating modern tools to do user friendly graphical reporting without having to do complex data processing (Extract and Transform) Periodic Analyses Consolidation

18 Data Marts - Features Created with Best use of Baan all powerful data processing capabilities Data Marts resident in Baan itself Data marts stored in multi-dimensional format using relational technology without any limitation on its size. Possible Backward & forward integration Consolidation of analysis available over period and heterogeneous analyses

19 ERP Tables CRM Tables SCM Tables External DS Data Sources Baan Resident Data Warehouse ETL Layer Sales Analysis Income Expense Producti vity Aging Data Marts Client Applications ERPJewels Data Warehouse Architecture

20 Backward & Forward Integration Need for updating Transaction data based on analyses results (e.g.Updating budgets /estimates ) Tool to activate any customized program (immediately after a Transform action) which can read the results value from Data warehouse resident in Baan and update transaction database in Baan accordingly. Data Marts ERP Extract & Transform

21 Comparison with other tools DTS not integrated with Baan Baan report can not be recognized as data source Separate server required for storing data marts in multi- dimensional formats. Powerful integrated DTS in Baan without limits. Existing Baan reports can be considered as data source. Thus protecting existing investments Integrated with Baan Job Management Other Tools ERPJewels

22 Comparison with tools (Contd) Backward Integration from Data Marts to Production data not possible Pull Intelligence (User triggered only) CPU under-utilized in production server Baan Job Management Can not be used Backward Integration in-build in the tool Push intelligence (System generating periodic MIS) Existing CPU power of ERP used and optimized No separate DW hardware required Other Tools ERPJewels

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