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NP in CP-violation at LHC(b)

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1 NP in CP-violation at LHC(b)
Andrey Golutvin ITEP/CERN NP in CP-violation at LHC(b)

2 Current SM fit predicts
(including CDF result on Dms) a = 94.6° ± 4.6° b = 23.9° ± 1.0° = 61.3° ± 4.5° Theoretical limitations for the sides: Extraction of |Vub| Lattice calculation of Present experimental precision on angles: = +5°/-16° b = ± 1.0° = ± 30° Mean values of angles and sides are in desperate agreement with predictions UT may stay closed for quite some time !!!

3 To define the apex of UT one needs to know at least 2 independent quantities out of 2 sides: and 3 angles: ,  and  Straightforward strategy to search for NP contribution: Extract quantities Rb and  from the tree-mediated processes, that are expected to be unaffected by NP, and compare computed values for with direct measurements in the processes involving loop graphs. Interpret the difference as a NP signal

4 Unfortunately such approach has very limited sensitivity
to the NP contribution  is more constrained by Rt. However NP effects may cancel out: Rt is proportional to the ratio of “identical” loop graphs: boxes or penguins Due to geometry of UT the dependence of  on  is rather moderate:

5 Measure the same observable in the processes
Alternative approach Measure the same observable in the processes mediated by different topologies: trees, penguins or boxes Examples: - Penguin vs Box |Vts| can be extracted either from the measurement of (ms) or BR(BK*). The same applies for |Vtd| , where describes short-range effects Hope that some uncertainties of lattice calculations are cancelled out in the ratio

6 Extraction of  from penguins (through : B,  and )
Tree vs Penguin Extraction of  from penguins (through : B,  and ) and various tree topologies Current experimental precision on  determined in trees and loops leaves the room of ~ 40° for the difference Finally, the measurement of the s is a very sensitive test of SM !!! In the rest of the talk LHCb sensitivities to the measurement of , s and  are presented Slides from LHCb talks at the BEACH (M. Musy) and LHC Physics (J. Rademacker, L.Fernandez and O. Deschamps) conferences

7 Basic Principle & Tagging.
Decay products (RICH) Decay time ~ flight distance (VELO) Flavour at creation - opposite-side or same- side (Bs only) Tagging. Same-side tagging N events with tagging efficiency ε and mis-tag fraction ω are statistically equivalent to perfectly tagged events.

8 b

9 b from B0  J/y Ks LHCb Atlas LHCb
The ‘gold plated’ channel at B-factories already well measured by Babar/Belle Still an important measurement: background subtracted =0 in SM =sin 2b LHCb In one year, 2/fb, with 216k events, s(sin2b)~0.02, s(b)~0.6° Atlas will achieve similar sensitivity with 30/fb Comparing with other channels may indicate NP in penguin diagrams Scaling of 1 year sensitivity from J/yKs to fKs: s(sin2beff)~0.4, Yield:0.8k, B/S<2.4 (preliminary).

10 fs

11 fs from Bs J/ (η,η’…) Bs J/ is the Bs counterpart of B0J/ KS
In SM fS = -2arg(Vts) = -2l2h ~ -0.04 Sensitive to New Physics effects in the Bs-Bs system if NP in mixing  fS = fS(SM) + fS(NP) 2 CP-even, 1 CP-odd amplitudes, angular analysis needed to separate, then fit to fS, DGS, CP-odd fraction Channels used Yield (103/2 fb-1) B/S <> (fs) mass (MeV/c2) BsJ/(-+)(K+K-) 131 0.12 36 14 Bsc(h-h+h-h+)(K+K-) 3 0.6 30 12 BsJ/(-+) () 8.5 2.0 37 34 BsJ/(-+) (+-0()) 3.0 20 BsJ/ (-+) ’(+- ()) 2.2 32 19 BsDs(K+K--) Ds(K+K-+) 4.0 0.3 56 6

12 LHCb Atlas With SM inputs: Dms=17.5/ps, fS=-0.04, DGs/Gs = 0.15
and 2/fb stat: LHCb Atlas will reach s(s) ~ 0.08 (10/fb, Dms=20/ps, 90k J/ evts) CMS will reach s(s) ~ 0.07 (10/fb, on J/ evts, no tagging)


14 g

15 LHCb g from Bs  D±s K+ 2 same order tree level amplitudes (3) : large asymmetries, NP components unlikely! From the measurement 4 rates and 2 time-dependent asymmetries one gets g+fs (with fs from BsJ/yf) DsK asymmetries (5 years, ms=20 ps–1) Ds–K+ Ds+K– Yield: 5.4k signal events in 2/fb, residual contamination from Bs  Ds ~ 10% S/B > 1 at 90% CL Precision: s(g) ~ 13° (Dms = 17.3/ps , -20°<Dstrong<20°) Discrete ambiguities in g can be resolved if DGs large enough, or using B0→Dp and U-spin symmetry

16 g from B0  D0 K* [Phys. Lett. B270, 75 (1991)] A1 = A(B0  D0K*0): bc transition, phase 0 A2 = A(B0  D0K*0): bu transition, phase + A3 = 2 A(B0  DCPK*0) = A1+A2, because DCP=(D0+D0)/2 Measuring 6 decay rates (self-tagged and time-integrated) allows extraction of g Modes (+CP conj.) Yield (2/fb) S/Bbb (90%CL) B0  D0 (K+p-) K*0 (K+p-) 3.4 k > 2.0 B0  D0 (K-p+) K*0 (K+p-) 0.5 k > 0.3 B0  D0CP (K+K-) K*0 (K+p-) 0.6 k LHCb Precision: s(g) ~ 8° (in 1year, 2/fb, for 55°<g<105°, -20°<D<20°)

17 Double Cabibbo-suppressed
g from B±  D K± [Atwood, Dunietz, Soni method] New value Measure relative rates of B-→ D(Kp) K- and B+→ D(Kp) K+ Two interfering tree B-diagrams, one colour-suppressed (rB ~0.077) Two interfering tree D-diagrams, one Double Cabibbo-suppressed (rDKp ~0.06)  large interference because of similar amplitudes! colour-suppressed colour-allowed Weak phase diff.:  Magnitude ratio: rB Strong phase diff.: dB }K- }p+ Cabibbo-favoured D0{ c u d s Double Cabibbo-suppressed Magnitude ratio: rDKp Strong phase diff.: dDKp measure: favoured ~60k evts suppressed ~0.5k evts

18 LHCb 3 observables, 5 parameters (g, dB, rB , dDKp, rDKp) , rDKp ~0.06 known add more D-decays to constrain further: D → Kppp (Cabibbo favoured + DCS) 4 new rates with 2 new parameters, dDK3p ; rDK3p ~0.06 D → KK (CP eigenstate) 2 new rates, no new unknown: rDKK = 1 ; dDKK = 0 this may come from CLEO-C  7 relative rates and 5 unknowns: g, rB, dB, dDK, dDK3 Precision: s(g) ~ 4°- 13° in 1 year, 2/fb depending on dDK (-25°< dDK <25°) and on dDK3 (-180°< dDK3 <180°) Extraction of g via Dalitz study (D Kspp) is under investigation.




22 g from B  pp, Bs KK LHCb p/K Bd/s  solve for g Precision: s(g) ~ 5°
Large penguin contributions, sensitive to NP! Evaluation of and parameters from time-dependent measured asymmetry depend on g, mixing phases, and ratio of penguin/tree = d eiq Assume U-spin symmetry dpp = dKK qpp = qKK (and fs,d from BsJ/yf, BJ/yKs ) g () d Bs  KK (95% CL) B   (95% CL)  solve for g LHCb Precision: s(g) ~ 5° (but model dependent) Expected Yield (1year, 2/fb) 26k B , 37k BsKK, 135k BK

23 a

24 90% of experiments have σ < 10°
LHCb a from B0  r p [Snyder,Quinn,1993] Thanks to the interferences between the transitions B  rp  π-πoπ+ we can simultaneously extract  with amplitudes and strong phases from the time dependence of the tagged Dalitz plot Simulate the experimental effects: resolution, acceptance, wrong tag, ... Assume B/S=1 (mix of flat and resonant r) Maximize the likelihood wrt αfit and the background ratios rfit (12D fit) s-=m²(-o) ρ00 ρ+- ρ-+ s+=m²(+o) 70 expts averaged (L=2fb-1) 85% converge to the correct solution* αgen 90% of experiments have σ < 10° *prob. of mirror solutions decreases with stats, down to ~0.2% for 10/fb

25 a from B0  r r LHCb Yields in 2/fb:
Measuring the time dependent asymetry of B ➛ ρ+ρ- provide eff =  + Δ Aoo Δα A+-/√2 A+o = A-o with LHCb is not competitive with current B-factory performance in r+r-. The main contribution of LHCb to the rr analysis could be the measurement of the B ➛ r0r0 mode Yields in 2/fb: B ➛ ρ+ρ- : 2k (B/S<5, 90%CL) B± ➛ ρ±ρ0 : 9k (B/S ~ 1) B ➛ ρ0ρ0 : ~0.5k, assuming a BR= (Babar: )

26 a from B0  rp, rr combined LHCb 1 year data World Ave 2006
LHCb 2 fb-1

27 Summary table Angle Channel Yield* Bbb/S LHC (2/fb)  Bd  J/Ψ KS
Bd  f KS 216k 0.8k 0.8 <2.4 σ() ≈ 0.6° σ(b) ≈ 12° s Bs  J/ΨΦ Bs  J/Ψη Bs  ηcΦ 125k 12k 3k 0.3 2-3 0.7 σ(s) ≈ 1.2° Bs  DsK Bd   Bs  KK Bd  D0(K-+)K*0 Bd  D0(K+-)K*0 Bd  DCP(K+K-)K*0 B- D0(K+-)K- B- D0(K-+)K- 5.4k 26k 37k 0.5k 2.4k 0.6k 60k 2k <1.0 <0.7 <0.3 <2.0 0.5 σ() ≈ 13° σ() ≈ 5° σ() ≈ 8° σ() ≈ 4°-13° Bd  pr, rr 14k σ() < 10° * Untagged annual yield after trigger

28 Summary Measurement of s with ~1° precision in 1 year
Measurement of  in trees and loops and check for consistency: - Many channels for the tree topologies  expect to reach a few degrees sensitivity in 1 year The measurement of  in loops should be possible in B with <10° precision. For the study of  final states, the measurement of BR(B00) together with the measurements of asymmetries at B factories will further improve precision If difference is observed we need a model to relate # of degrees in  to masses and couplings of NP !!!

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