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The Federal Bureaucracy

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1 The Federal Bureaucracy

2 Congress passes law and decides which Agency will enforce it
President Signs Law Proper Agency (Head chosen by president) Enforces the law

3 I. The Fourth Branch of Government
A. Necessary because the nation faces too many problems and challenges for Congress to face alone. B. In recent times the Bureaucracy has expanded in size and power. Why: Progressive Era, New Deal, Cold War 9/11

4 II. Independent Regulatory Commissions/Agencies
A. Mostly independent have both quasi-jusidical and quasi-legislative powers 1.Quasi judicial- interpret laws 2. Quasi legislative- create regulations based on interpretations of law and create penalties for breaking laws.

5 III. How policy is Implemented
Creation of new agency or assignment to old agency. Translation of policy goals into operational rules and development of guidelines. Coordination of resources to achieve goals

6 D. Implementation Challenges
Bad Program Design Lack of Clarity from Congress Lack of Resources Administrative Routine Administrators Disposition Fragmentation

7 IV. Iron Triangles AKA: Issue networks or sub governments
A mutually dependent relationship between bureaucratic agencies, interest groups, and congressional committees or subcommittees. Dominate some areas of policy making .



10 III. Criticisms of The Bureaucracy
They have wide-ranging political power but are not democratically elected Massive amounts of tax dollars are spent on these agencies, many believe that private industry would be more efficient. Many people go to work for private companies after working for these agencies, helping them to avoid regulations. (revolving door of politics)

11 VI. Oversight Congress and the President control the budgets of the various agencies. The president appoints and can remove many of the agency heads. Congress can call departments head to testify in front of Congress and provide information.

12 Are We Safer? Why was the Department of Homeland Security Created? Does the proliferation of fusion represent increased security or intrusion on civil liberties? How is this conflict different form ones prior in American history?

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