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Biology Journal Club (Online Journal Clubs) Fi Moorman and Karen New.

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Presentation on theme: "Biology Journal Club (Online Journal Clubs) Fi Moorman and Karen New."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Journal Club (Online Journal Clubs) Fi Moorman and Karen New

2 Why OJC? Peer-to-peer learning, networking, community building, employability Improve communication skills and awareness of ‘the scientific process’ Improve student confidence and engagement This opportunity is not currently available to OU STEM students Our small scale pilot suggests students and module teams want them!

3 How will OJC be run? How will assess OJC?
L2 biology-based OJC to be run by ALs (facilitators) Dedicated inbox, website, forum and Adobe Connect room Fun, informal environment to build academic community and develop student confidence How will assess OJC? Student feedback surveys to assess experience and perceived benefits/challenges Follow-on online focus group(s) Student demographic data will be captured; follow-on study to investigate outcome for students who have participated in OJC AL feedback to assess logistics involved in scaling up OJC from our pilot

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