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On the effective validation of charted soundings and depth curves

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1 On the effective validation of charted soundings and depth curves
C. Kastrisios, B. Calder, G. Masetti, UNH CCOM/JHC Peter Holmberg, NOAA OCS/HSD/PHB U.S. Hydro 2019 Conference – March , Biloxi, MS

2 Soundings & Depth Curves
Representation of submarine relief on charts Safety Constraint Source: NOAA Nautical Chart Catalog and Chart Viewer

3 Shoal-biased Pattern “Triangle test” “Edge test”
“No actual sounding exists within a triangle of selected soundings which is less than the least of any of the soundings forming the triangle“ “No actual sounding exists between two adjacent selected soundings forming an edge of the triangle which is less than the lesser of the two selected soundings “ Source: Kastrisios, C., B.R. Calder, G. Masetti, and P. Holmberg “Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations.” Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis (In Press)

4 Chart Compilation and Sounding Validation
Existing chart New survey Source soundings from New survey, or Larger scale chart Selected Soundings Flagged Soundings Final Selection is applied to chart Source of data: NOAA/OCS/MCD

5 Aim Automate the validation process Replicate what cartographers do:
In open areas Triangles from selected soundings Near and within linear features Areas of dominance Near the boundaries of the updated area “Incorporate” bathymetry from adjoining areas

6 Implementation Automate the validation process
Replicate what cartographers do: Use all the available bathymetric information Import bathymetry from adjoining areas (~buffer) Generate Conforming Delaunay triangulation Source: Kastrisios, C., B.R. Calder, G. Masetti, and P. Holmberg “Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations.” Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis (In Press)

7 Results TT  Improved performance near linear features
Source: Kastrisios, C., B.R. Calder, G. Masetti, and P. Holmberg “Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations.” Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis (In Press)

8 Results ET  first implementation effort
ET identifies shoals that the TT fails to identify Validation based on TT only is strongly inadvisable Source: Kastrisios, C., B.R. Calder, G. Masetti, and P. Holmberg “Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations.” Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis (In Press)

9 TT-ET’s “Intrinsic” Limitation
“Intrinsic”: due to their definition Source soundings that deviate significantly from the expected may not be found TT and ET insufficient toward a fully automated solution Source: Kastrisios, C., B.R. Calder, G. Masetti, and P. Holmberg “Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations.” Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis (In Press)

10 TT-ET’s “Intrinsic” Limitation
Rough discretization Shallowest of the 3 (or 2) selected soundings serves as the validation depth Only eminences above the validation depth are flagged (“B”) The slope of the sea-bottom is disregarded Source: Kastrisios, C., B.R. Calder, G. Masetti, and P. Holmberg “Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations.” Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis (In Press)

11 TT-ET’s “Intrinsic” Limitation
Shoal biased pattern may be violated Actual depth may be significantly shoaler than the expected US5AK4DM , H-12865, CATZOC A1 Source: Kastrisios, C., B.R. Calder, G. Masetti, and P. Holmberg “Towards Automated Validation of Charted Soundings: Existing Tests and Limitations.” Geo-spatial Information Science. Taylor & Francis (In Press)

12 Surface Interpolation Test
Source soundings are compared to the expected depth at the location “Expected depth” is derived from the charted bathymetric information with interpolation Tolerance may be applied (e.g., CATZOC values)

13 Surface Interpolation Test
ST identifies shoals that TT and ET may not due to their “intrinsic limitation” ST reduces the number of insignificant flags (those within tolerance) Interpolation methods implemented: Linear Natural Neighbors ++

14 “Doing little things well is a step toward doing big things better”
Vincent van Gogh This work is supported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [grant number NA15NOS ]

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