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Presentation pattern Please use this pattern to prepare your presentation for the Smart Systems Integration 2019. The presentation should be brought to.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation pattern Please use this pattern to prepare your presentation for the Smart Systems Integration 2019. The presentation should be brought to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation pattern Please use this pattern to prepare your presentation for the Smart Systems Integration The presentation should be brought to the event on a USB flash drive. Please save your presentation additionally in the format pps to secure a correct reproduction on the laptops provided on-site. Therefore please go to “save under” and choose as file type “slide show (*pps)”. The individual presentations should also be made available to the attendees after the conference. We therefore kindly ask you to send us a copy-protected version of your presentation as a pdf-file. Your slides can be sent in advance to or copied on the laptop provided on-site.  Please delete this paragraph, before beginning with the presentation.

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