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Avid Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Avid Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Avid Introduction

2 This Is Me!!

3 This is Me! I’m a Page High School Student!

4 This is Me! I think chocolate is one of the major food groups!

5 This is Me! I sing in the shower!

6 This is Me! I watch “Keeping up with the Kardashians.”

7 This is Me! I have traveled to another country!

8 This is Me! My best friend is in this class!

9 This is Me! Summer is my favorite part of the year!

10 This is Me! I’m good at chess!

11 This is Me! I consider myself a great cook!

12 This is Me! I consider twilight an American classic!

13 This is Me! I prefer individual over team sports!

14 This is Me! I think vegetables are the devils invention!

15 This is Me! I have competed in a Rodeo!

16 This is Me! I doodle on my paper when I’m bored!

17 This is Me! I like Phineas & Ferb!

18 This is Me! I could not sleep last night because of anticipation!

19 This is Me! Avid is the best class I have in school!

20 Two Truths and a Lie! Write down two truths and a lie on a piece of paper. Example: I was a commercial truck driver for two years. My first pet was a wild baby deer. I was one of four Valedictorians of my high school. Work together for success!

21 Avid Dad!

22 Getting you prepared of AP Classes!
Avid Sophomore Direction!

23 Avid 2015-2016 Students centered class Avid Focus:
Interacting with notes Writing Time Management Critical Reading Tutorials

24 Get to Know Your Group! Your name/where you were born.
One unique thing few people know about you. One skill you have. One weakness. Give and explain the one word the best describes you. Team Name

25 “Change or success comes from the inside out, not outside in.”
Quick Write “Change or success comes from the inside out, not outside in.” 3 minute quick write on any thoughts you have on this quote. Find a partner and share your thoughts.

26 Quick Write Activity: Begin with the End in Mind?????
All Things Are Created Twice??? Imagine you are at your own funeral. What would you want people to say about you? What would you have wanted to accomplish?

27 Partner Reading Activity:
(6 min) Quickly read through the article, circle words or terms that are confusing. (3 min) Turn to your reading partner and discuss the things you circled. (10 min) Reread with your partner underline or highlight important concepts from the reading. (5 min) Put a star next to the three most important concepts from the reading.

28 Will Smith (7:20)

29 What is a Mission Statement?
A formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual.

30 Whose Mission Statement is This?
Is to be our customers' favorite place and way to eat and drink. Our worldwide operations are aligned around a global strategy called the Plan to Win, which center on an exceptional customer experience – People, Products, Place, Price and Promotion. McDonalds

31 Whose Mission Statement is This?
"We save people money so they can live better. If we work together, we’ll lower the cost of living for everyone…we’ll give the world an opportunity to see what it’s like to save and have a better life.” Wal-Mart

32 Whose Mission Statement is This?

33 Whose Mission Statement is This?
“To create a family of devices and services for individuals and businesses that empower people around the globe at home, at work and on the go, for the activities they value most.“ Microsoft

34 Whose Mission Statement is This?
“Is to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected." Facebook

35 Whose Mission Statement is This?
To combine aggressive strategic marketing with quality products and services at competitive prices to provide the best _____value for consumers. Aflac

36 Whose Mission Statement is This?
" Our vision and passion at _______, which is shared by our entire culinary and beverage team, is to delight every guest with a genuine ____ dining experience that features fresh, simple and delicious ____food, complemented by a great ____________. “ Olive Garden

37 Whose Mission Statement is This?
“Is to empower students through a rigorous and relevant education to meet future challenges”. Page School District

38 My Mission Statement: “To create a fun, safe and respectful learning environment, as well as, give students the skills and motivation needed to reach their fullest potential.”

39 SMART Specific Measurable Attainable Results Time

40 Start With the End in Mind!
Create your own mission statement.

41 Snow Ball Activity Write on a piece of paper. My Example:
Something broad about yourself Something a little more specific about yourself. Something extremely specific about yourself. My Example: I was born in Arizona My favorite color is Pink I took 6th at Western Nationals in freestyle wrestling.

42 Team Building Reflection
What factors allowed your group to be successful? What happened when the group encountered a setback? What impact did it have on the end result? What two lesson can you learn from this activity that you can apply to your personal life?

43 Writing Project: Your essay needs to be at least two paragraphs long. This is worth 40 points so make sure you do a good job. I will be graded on quality of thought and writing. Writing Prompt: How has Avid helped you as a Page High School student?

44 Reflections Log: Look at your mission statement and goals for Quarter 1. Are you on pace to reaching your goals for the quarter? If so what is the biggest thing you are doing in reaching your goals? If not what do you need to do to reach your goals?

45 Will Smith Motivational Summary
In your summary: How does this apply to your schooling and grades? How does this apply to your mission statement and goals? How can Avid help you reach your dreams?

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