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Welcome to First Grade’s Curriculum Night

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1 Welcome to First Grade’s Curriculum Night
September 22, 2016

2 Soaring to New Heights S- Show Self Control O- Own Your Actions
A- Accept Others R- Respect Our School

3 S Show Self-Control O Own Your Actions A Accept Others R Respect Our
  EXPECTATIONS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Comments Parent Initials S Show Self-Control • Keep hands and feet to yourself • Stay in assigned area O Own Your Actions • Say “please” and “thank you” • Give your best effort • Be safe A Accept Others • Talk positively • Take turns • Accept others’ personal space R Respect Our School Community • Listen and respond to adult directions • Use an inside voice • Clean up after yourself

4 Transportation We must have a note if your child’s form of transportation changes from its normal routine. If we do not have a note from you, we will send your child the way they normally would go home. Please do not a note as we may be absent and not receive it. We want to make sure every child gets home happily and safely.

5 Coach Smith- P.E. (please wear sneakers)
Specials 2:00-2:40 Coach Smith- P.E. (please wear sneakers) Ms. Muse- Media (please return library books on media day) Mrs. Barnes- Music Ms. East- Art

6 The Common Core Literacy Model…
6 ELA Standard Strands Reading Literature Reading Informational Text Speaking & Listening Language (Grammar & Vocabulary) Writing Foundational Skills 3 ELA Practices Building knowledge through content-rich informational text. Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from the text Regular practice with complex text and its academic vocabulary In ELA there are 6 standard strands and 3 practice strands. Note there is an emphasis on informational text reading in the CC. Because there is an emphasis on reading more informational text, social studies and science will be integrated into the literacy strands. Speaking and listening skills as well as grammar and vocabulary are designed to be integrated into each of the strands as well. There are 3 types of writing all students will be expected to complete – narrative (personal and imaginative), opinion, and informational. The opinion writing that our K-5 students complete will lead to argumentative writing in middle and high school. A big part of the CC is 21st century skills which is where the speaking and listening strands play a big part. Students are expected to be able to have academic discussions in math and ELA in small groups, in front of the class and sometimes in formal presentations. These skills help build more critical thinkers and problem solvers, two skills that are key in college and the workforce.

7 Literacy (CAFE) Daily 5 and Guided Reading
D5 is a way of structuring the reading block so every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks. Students receive explicit whole-group instruction and then are given independent practice time to read and write while the teacher(s) provide focused, intense instruction to individuals and small groups of students. Components of D5: Read to Self Work on Writing Word Work Listen to Reading Read to Someone

8 Literacy (CAFE) Daily 5 and Guided Reading
Specific behavior expectations go with each D5 component. We will spend our first weeks working intensely on building our reading and writing stamina, learning the behaviors of the Daily 5 and fostering our classroom community. We will also spend time learning about your child’s strengths and greatest needs as a reader in order to best plan for each student’s instruction. Guided Reading: groups may be based on reading levels and/or strategy instruction.

9 What is Letterland? Letterland is a fully multi-sensory program: • Letterland pictograms provide strong visual mnemonics for letter behavior. • Auditory learning is stimulated by song, rhyme, alliteration and storytelling. • Kinesthetic learners benefit from action songs, role play and crafts. • Children interact with the Letterland characters, activating intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships.

10 Goals & Objectives *This program provides a secure learning environment where children can happily develop cognitive, language and literacy skills which include: * Phonemic Awareness * Alliteration & Symbol/Sound Links * Letter Formation * Blending & Segmenting * Word & Sentence Building * Vocabulary & Language * Imaginative Play & Creative Writing “

11 Primary Years Phonic Patterns
Alphabet proficiency FAST TRACK a-z Word building BEGINNINGS, MIDDLES & ENDINGS a, e, i, o, u sh, th, ch -nk, -ng -ff, -ll, -ss Onsets & rimes CONSONANT BLENDS DIGRAPHS bl, cl, fl, gl, pl, sl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, sc, sk, sp, st, sm, sn, sw, scr, spl, spr, squ, str, shr, thr Beginnings, middles and endings LONG VOWELS a-e, ai, ay, e-e, ee, ea, i-e, ie, y, igh, o-e, oa, o¯w, u-e, o¯o, ew, ue, Blends & digraphs VOWEL DIGRAPHS ar, or, ow, ou, oy, oi, er, ur, ir, oo, u, aw, au Advanced spelling TRIGRAPHS AND ADVANCED PHONEMES air, ear

12 Writer’s Workshop In first grade students will focus on Narrative, Opinion and Informational writing Students will brainstorm by sketching a picture, edit and publish their own work, and share their stories with their classmates

13 Math Recognize and write numbers 1-120 Add and subtract 1-20, 1-100
Read and analyze data Linear measurement Fractions – halves, fourths, quarters Identify geometric shapes Tell time to the hour and half-hour.

14 Modeling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-12 Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Counting and Cardinality Operations and Algebraic Thinking Operations and Algebraic Thinking Expressions and Equations Algebra Number & Operations in Base Ten Number & Operations Base Ten Fractions The Number System Number and Quantity Measurement and Data Measurement and Data Geometry Statistics and Probability Ratio and Proportional Relationships Functions Modeling This diagram shows the K-12 domains in the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. As you can see, the domains taught in elementary math are: Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement and Data, and Geometry. Kindergarten has an additional domain of Counting and Cardinality. Grades 3-5 have a domain of Number & Operations-Fractions. The content is very tightly aligned to promote the vertical progression of math concepts.

15 Students will investigate 4 different science kits
Pebbles, Sand, and Silt Organisms Balance and Motion Comparing and Measurement

16 Four units I am a Citizen of Many Communities
Social Studies Four units I am a Citizen of Many Communities I Can Find My Way Around My Community Our Community Celebrates We Care For Our Community

17 Want to know more about the Common Core??
The national PTA web site’s parent section offers Parents’ Guides to Student Success. These guides include key items that children should be learning in English language arts and mathematics in each grade, as well as activities that you can do at home to support your child's learning. This web site link can be found on the Morrisville web site. Thank you for your time. I wish you and your child a successful year here at Morrisville.

18 An Overview Introduce yourself and any co-trainers to your staff.

19 Home Connect Letters Over the next couple of weeks, you should be expecting your child’s teacher to send home a Home Connect Letter to provide you with information about your child’s progress as well as some recommendations for things you can do to work with your child at home.

20 Project-Based Learning
A dynamic approach to teaching in which students explore real-world problems and challenges. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to obtain a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying. Animal Habitats

21 Report Cards Four per year Standards based grading Common Core
Interims in the middle of each quarter


23 Volunteers/Field Trips:
Calling all Volunteers We will need volunteers during our Literacy Block Monday – Thursday. - Contact for PTA events All volunteers need to register in the library before the volunteering or chaperoning field trips. Laminating weekly assignments or centers. Field Trips We will need parents to volunteer to chaperone our Field Trips, too. First Field Trip- Soil Rocks!!! January 18th Spring Field Trip: Durant Nature Park March 27 and 28

24 Homework Letterland- weekly word lists
Your child will receive a homework packet every Monday. Please complete the assignments and return them on Friday. Here’s what’s included:  Letterland- weekly word lists Math – review of previously taught math skills Reading log – please read for 10 minutes each night and log on the provided paper.

25 Communication School Phone Number: 919-881-4910 Email:
School Website:



28 Questions? Parking lot – please use the sticky notes provided for specific questions.

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