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Which president is on the $20 bill

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Presentation on theme: "Which president is on the $20 bill"— Presentation transcript:

1 Which president is on the $20 bill
Which president is on the $20 bill? What do you assume about him because of this?

2 How is he portrayed here?

3 Positive or Negative? Rotation in Office: many government workers had been in office for decades and had grown lazy or corrupt. Jackson wanted to replace them regularly.

4 Positive or Negative? Spoils system: giving government jobs to people who support your campaign. Jackson replaced 2,000 government workers with his friends and supporters.

5 Positive or Negative? Voting rights: Property qualifications for voting were lowered which allows more people to vote. People began choosing public officials.

6 Positive or Negative? Nullification Crisis: South Carolina (the state) didn’t like a tax the Federal government made and wanted to ‘nullify’ it – get rid of it. Jackson sent in troops to force the state to follow the rules.

7 What is happening here?

8 Describe this image

9 What information does this map give us?

10 Watch Brainpop How would you evaluate Andrew Jackson compared the presidents who came before him?


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